
Some of my vanilla shaders that I made for fun

Primary LanguageGLSL

Some of my vanilla shaders that I made for fun.
You can use[distribute] them as long as you don't sell them and provide a link to this repo.

GUI Avatars

A shader that renders a nice picture of any skin using player heads.
Highly inspired by Spheya's shader.

GUI Avatars

Slightly Controllable Camera

Requires Fabulous. Native Minecraft version: 1.20.4.

Allows to rotate the camera up to ±6-7 degrees on any axis.


Motion Blur

Requires Fabulous. Native Minecraft version: 1.21.


Requires Fabulous. Native Minecraft version: 1.21.


Animated Unicodes

Native Minecraft version: 1.21.


Simple AO

Requires Fabulous. Native Minecraft version: 1.21.

Simple SSAO implementation.

SSAO Vanilla

Horizon-Based AO

Requires Fabulous. Native Minecraft version: 1.21.

HBAO with temporal amortization.



Requires Fabulous. Native Minecraft version: 1.20.4.

Proof of concept. Translucent blocks and fluids aren't supported.


RGB Maps

Native Minecraft version: 1.21.

Uses custom encoding to render map-arts with full RGB palette.

RGB Maps Vanilla Maps

Custom Blur

Native Minecraft version: 1.21.

Experimented with the new blur post shader. Bugs in the main menu.


Lightmap uniforms

Native Minecraft version: 24w33a.

Example of passing data to core shaders through the lightmap.

GUI Player Models Base

A basic setup for player model rendering using player heads inside GUIs.

Fancy Player Models

The same concept as in the base pack, but with ambient occlusion, antialiasing and specular reflections.