
A real-time rendering engine

Primary LanguageC++

Graphics Engine

This project started as a hobby but ended being used for building a demo scene for the course Real-Time Rendering @ TU Wien. Classified as the best project of the class in the 2016 Winter Semester and part of the Hall of Fame of the course.

The following video demonstrastes the demo scene:

Real-Time Rendering Course Demo

The demo scene can be run by downloading the Real-time Rendering Demo release and opening Application.exe.

Built With

  • assimp - Library used to import 3D models
  • DirectX 11 - The graphics API used on the main project
  • DirectX 12 - The graphics API used for an alternative branch aimed at porting the original code
  • DirectSound 8 - The audio API
  • DirectXTex - Set of helper functions for DirectX
  • nlohmann/json - JSON for Modern C++
  • rapidxml - Used to parse XML files

