
Web-Application for the cross-visualization of HiC and ChIP-seq data.

Primary LanguageR

Co-visualisation of Hi-C with signal track data

Visualize Hi-C with any bigwig or bedGraph to combine both forms of data in a single image.


  • Values > 0 (ChIP-seq, RNA-seq, etc.)
  • chr | start | stop | value


  • Values below and above 0 (Hi-C Compartment calls)
  • chr | start | stop | value

Web version

A light version of HiCrayon that allows import of publically availble Hi-C maps, bigwigs through URL eg. from ENCODE (https://www.encodeproject.org/), and locally stored small bedGraph files.


To fully avail of the utility of HiCrayon, please proceed with installation below



Singularity allows deployment of HiCrayon using a container so you don't need to worry about software compatibility issues.

Build singularity image from docker image

Build a singularity container from a docker image.

  1. singularity build hicrayon.sif docker://nolandocker/hicrayon

Clone the hicrayon git repository.

  1. git clone https://github.com/JRowleyLab/HiCrayon.git

cd into the HiCrayon directory and run the app inside the container

  1. singularity exec ~/Containers/hicrayon.sif R -e "shiny::runApp('app.R', launch.browser=F, port = 3838)"

Additional parameters:

  • if you'd like to attach a directory outside of your own: -B /:/filesystem/
  • host application to allow access on another device (beware security risks): shiny::runApp(..., host="IPADDRESS")

Conda (Not recommended)

  1. Create a conda environment with the hicrayon yaml file

conda create -n hicrayon hicrayon.yml

  1. conda activate hicrayon

Clone the hicrayon git repo and cd into the repo

  1. git clone https://github.com/JRowleyLab/HiCrayon.git

Run HiCrayon

  1. R -e 'shiny::runApp("app.R", launch.browser=F)'


Accurately visualize protein binding in Hi-C Maps


Reveal distinct layers of multi-state 3D chromatin organization.


Accurately demonstrate chromatin changes in differentiation


Visualize chromatin loops
