
A Plotly dashboard application for easy visual exploration of gene neighborhood data.

Primary LanguageHTML

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A Plotly dashboard to facilitate the visual exploration of gene neighborhood data.

Coeus's primary use case is for the analysis of the genomic contexts of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) genes in bacterial genomes. It allows for easy visual comparison of gene order alongside gene neighborhood similarity-based clustering results showcasing differences between a gene's neighborhood across genomes.

Coeus requires output files generated from Gene-Order-Workflow. Gene-Order-Workflow is a Nextflow based workflow to extract gene neighborhoods from assembly and annotation files for a user's specified genes of interest, derive similarity and distance matrices from BLAST All-vs-All bitscores, and perform unsupervised machine learning to assign neighborhood clusters.


Installation is currently supported for Linux and MacOS.

Option 1: Poetry (Recommended)

  1. Ensure you are using a Python version between Python 3.9 - Python 3.12 (inclusive).

  2. Clone the repository and cd in:

git clone https://github.com/JTL-lab/Coeus.git
cd Coeus
  1. Install Poetry if not already installed:
python3 -m pip install pipx
python3 -m pipx ensurepath
pipx install poetry

Alternatively, you can also install Poetry using:

curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -
  1. Within the Coeus repository, use Poetry to install and manage all dependencies:
poetry install

If you're interested in viewing details on the package dependencies and other options Poetry offers, within the Coeus repository you can run:

poetry show --help 

Option 2: Conda

A bioconda recipe may be created at a later date. For now, you can create the necessary environment by running:

conda create -n coeus python=3.11.4 ipython numpy pandas scipy networkx plotly markov_clustering scikit-learn scikit-bio diskcache multiprocess psutil
conda activate coeus
conda install -c conda-forge dash dash-bootstrap-components

Using the dashboard

  1. Ensure you have a JSON directory and clustering directory present somewhere on your local device (obtainable from running Gene-Order-Workflow on your dataset).

  2. Once you've installed the required dependencies as shown in the Installation section, you can use the dashboard on your local machine by running the following within the src directory (Coeus/coeus):

poetry run python coeus.py <full_path_to_data_directories>

Alternatively, if you would like to view the sample dataset, you can run:

poetry run python coeus.py sample_data
  1. Launch your preferred web browser to view the dashboard at http://localhost:8050/ !

If Conda was used for installation, simply omit poetry run from these commands, i.e.:

python coeus.py <full_path_to_data_directories>


To render gene order visualizations within the dashboard, this project uses code developed by Cameron Gilchrist (gamcil) for the D3 chart clustermap.js, which is used and modified here under the MIT license.


clinker & clustermap.js: Automatic generation of gene cluster comparison figures.
Gilchrist, C.L.M., Chooi, Y.-H., 2020.
Bioinformatics. doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btab007