Questions about the principal point of the croped image

XiangLiu0731 opened this issue · 1 comments

In "kitti_loader.py" file, the function load_calib() changes the principal point of image by the code
K[0, 2] = K[0, 2] - 13; # from width = 1242 to 1216, with a 13-pixel cut on both sides
K[1, 2] = K[1, 2] - 11.5; # from width = 375 to 352, with a 11.5-pixel cut on both sides
but I find the data is croped from the bottom. In this case, I think the change of the principal point should be calculated as
K[0, 2] = K[0, 2] - 13; # from width = 1242 to 1216, with a 13-pixel cut on both sides
K[1, 2] = K[1, 2] - 23; # from width = 375 to 352, with a 23-pixel cut from the bottom

Thanks for your interest and question! I think it is a small bug left over from Fangchang Ma's code and you could correct it as you like.