Using the NYU dataset

yuyu19970716 opened this issue · 0 comments

I'm so sorry to bother you again. I watched the NLSPN network a few days ago, but I still want to use the NYU dataset on PENet to see the effect. I especially want to know why the prediction error is so large. Because I have been reading this article before. So I may still need to ask you a few questions:

  1. I only downloaded the labeled dataset of the NYU dataset. Because of the limited hardware conditions in our lab, I downloaded rgb (16-bit jpg), depth (16-bit png), and rawdepths (16-bit) in the labeled dataset. png), as far as I know, they are all aligned. I think depths is groundtruth, I don't know if I think it's right. Because I read a lot of information on the Internet, I feel that it is not specific enough.
    2.depths is the depth map after rawdepths is completed. In PENet, I take rawdepths and rgb as input, is this right? Because when I run the code, I see that the pixel values ​​of rawdepths are all 0. I don't know why this is? Is there any other work I need to do before entering it?
  2. I don't know if I express myself clearly? I'm really sorry to bother you again, I'm just getting to know this direction too. Because I really have no other way. Now, my teacher has no time, and I really can't understand what I read online. Thank you very much! Looking forward to your reply!