歡迎大家來到這個Repository,這裡我會呈現在我的軟體工程師生涯做過的一些經歷/專案的成果。這些成果有部分是我在任職的公司完成,也有部分是個人興趣所完成的項目。 因為在職完成的專案屬於任職公司之財產,這裡我不會公開任何的代碼,只會分享我做過的成果。若是我個人因興趣完成的項目,會提供該項目之公開代碼。 😄😄😄
Welcome everyone to this repository. Here, I will showcase the experiences and project outcomes from my career as a software engineer. Some of these accomplishments were achieved during my tenure at various companies, while others were personal projects driven by my own interests. For projects completed during my employment, I will not be sharing any source code as it is the property of the employers. However, I will provide an overview of the outcomes I achieved. For personal projects, I will share the the links of the source code. 😄😄😄
- Thesis : Hand Tracking with Deep Feature Encoding 利用深度特徵編碼進行手部追蹤
- 建構AutoEncoder架構進行手部特徵學習,使用sliding window框架進行手部特徵萃取並透過Encoder部分進行特徵編碼,透過殘差平方和(SSR)進行相似度計算,找到最相似手部特徵位置。
- 於論文中,使用手部物理位置進行約束,並使用皮膚過濾器進行RGB影像前處理。
- 使用MediaPipe與OpenPose做為比較方法,追蹤精度優於此兩者。
- 重要經歷:
- OpenCV AI competetion 2021 作品進入決賽 [link]
- 成大醫院進行拍金森式症患者資料收集與資料分析,進行顫抖程度量化
- 當任助教 : 成大機械所碩士班課程-人工智慧導論
Intelligent Surveillance Assistance and Care System (智慧監視輔助照護系統)
- Responsibilities : Design and Implementation of AI Recognition System Algorithms and Integration with Event Server [[Readme]]
- 展覽: 2023 TIE(Taiwan Innotech Expo,台灣創新技術博覽會) [Readme] [Linkdin post]
- 展覽: 2024 ATLife (Taiwan Assistive Technology and Long-Term Care Exhibition, 臺灣輔具暨長期照護大展) [Readme] [Linkdin post]
- 展覽: 2024 屆高齡健康產業博覽會 ( 2024 Healthy Ageing Tech Show) [Readme]
- Human Action Recognition System [Readme]
- Action Label Tool version 1&2 [Readme]
- Face Identity Binding Based on Human Tracking [Readme]
- Face Label Tool [Readme]
CPC Intelligent Security System (中油智能保全系統)
- Responsibilities : face recognition, Reverse Human and Vehicle Tracking, Lisence Plate Recognition [[Readme]]
- Django E-commerce Website (商品電商訂單系統) [Source Code]
- Real-Time Yolov8 Pose tracking Sequence (多人歷史骨架資訊追蹤)[Source Code]
- Video Add SubTitles with OpenAI Whisper (利用Whisper模型end2end影片字幕生成/翻譯)[Source Code]
- Streaming-with-Django-and-OpenCV (應用OpenCV在Django Server上顯示RTSP串流)[Source Code]
- Involution Example MNIST (在MNIST資料集實現內捲神經網路並在殘差網路結構進行測試)[Source Code]
- Muscle-enhancing-via-Autoencoder (利用自動編碼器進行肌肉線條增強) [Source Code]
- Self adaptive Feature tracking with PCA and Lucas-Kanade (利用PCA與LK光流進行任意物件自適應大小追蹤) [Source Code]
- Feature tracking with PCA (利用PCA進行任意物件追蹤) [Source Code]
- Python-execute-MATLAB-code [Source Code]
- Deep-Feature-Encoding-with-MNIST-data [Source Code]
- Pixel-scanning removal Hands11k dataset (藉由pixel掃描機制對Hands-11k資料集進行手部裁切)[Source Code]
- CDC Press Release Crawler (疾病署新聞稿網路爬蟲) [Source Code]