Awesome Jai

This is an Awesome List for the Jai programming language. What follows is a curated list of libraries, tutorials, examples and such for Jai.

Also, check the Jai Community Library

Tutorials, references, guides, etc


  • GUI/UI
    • ImGUI - IMGUI bindings for Jai.
  • Graphics
    • bgfx - Bindings for bgfx.
    • Im3d - Stefan's bindings for Im3d.
    • Raylib - Bindings for Raylib, a minimal gamedev library.
    • Sokol - Bindings for Sokol.
    • Vulkan - Vulkan tooling for Jai.
  • Cryptography
    • Crypto - Cryptographic primitives library.
  • Networking
  • Databases
  • File formats
    • CSV - CSV file reader.
    • GDAL - GDAL library interface; handles dozens of file graphical/geographical file formats.
    • INI - INI file reader/writer.
    • JSON - JSON reader/writer.
  • Utilities
    • C - Interop library for writing C bindings.
    • JaiBoundingTree - 3D binary BVH tree written natively in Jai.
    • jai-string - onelivesleft's String library.
    • Magic - libmagic bindings.
    • Steam API - Steam API library.
    • Uniform - Fully-featured regular expression library.
  • Testing
    • Stubborn - Minimal test runner and assertion library.
  • Algorithms
    • sat_solver - Boolean Satisfiability Solver.
    • jai-ryu - Ryū: Fast float to string conversion and Ryū printf
  • Physics
    • Box2D - Bindings for Box2D.

Example code

  • jaitro - a libretro frontend.
  • jaidoku - A Sudoku game.
  • jai-shooter - A shooting game.
  • Cavy - a simple multithreaded web server.
  • Mara - a simple Gopher server.
