
An archetypal Entity Component System, built entirely in Typescript

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

npm version license: mit pull requests: welcome code style: prettier

Thyseus is a DX & performance oriented archetypal Entity Component System (ECS) for Typescript. It provides an expressive, type-driven API so you can focus on how data moves through your app instead of worrying about how to manage it. Many features are included out of the box, including:

  • Effortless integration with third-party libraries like three.js.
  • Archetypal storage for lean memory use and cache-friendly iteration.
  • Complex queries with filters like Maybe, And, Or, With, and Without.
  • First class support for Resources (singletons) and Events.
  • Boilerplate-free and safety-first worker thread support - no eval()!
  • Deeply customizable execution logic for easy handling of patterns like fixed updates.

Get started with the docs, or join us on the Web-ECS Discord!


# pnpm
pnpm add thyseus

# yarn
yarn add thyseus

# npm
npm i thyseus


If you're interested in contributing, please have a look at the code of conduct and the contributing guide first.



class Vec2 {
  x: number;
  y: number;
  constructor(x = 0, y = 0) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;

  add(other: Vec2) {
    this.x += other.x;
    this.y += other.y;
export class Position extends Vec2 {}
export class Velocity extends Vec2 {}


import { Query } from 'thyseus'
import { Position, Velocity } from './components';

export function spawnEntities(commands: Commands) {
  commands.spawn().add(new Position()).add(new Velocity(1, 2));

export function move(query: Query<[Position, Velocity]>) {
  for (const [pos, vel] of query) {


import { World, Schedule } from 'thyseus';
import { moveSystem, spawnEntitiesSystem } from './systems';

class SetupSchedule extends Schedule {}

export const myWorld = await new World()
  .addEventListener('start', async world => {
	await world.runSchedule(SetupSchedule);
	function loop() {
		await world.runSchedule(Schedule);
  .addSystems(SetupSchedule, spawnEntities)
  .addSystems(Schedule, move)
