
Striped down version of Fireball self consistent local-orbital ab-initio tight binding molecular dynamics code ( https://github.com/fireball-QMD/progs ). The goal is to make lightweight package which can be easily embeded and integrated into modern environment such as Python, Julia, OpenCL and visualization programs

Primary LanguageC++


FireCore is an integrated simulation environment dedicated to on-surface chemistry and scanning-probe microscopy (SPM). The code aims to streamline high-throughput screening of molecular configurations and processes on the surface of inorganic crystals, including:

  • exploration of non-covalent self-assembling processes
  • exploration of chemical reaction pathways between organic molecules on surface
  • computational prototyping of molecular designs for pre-programmed self-assembling
  • simulation of high-resolution AFM / STM experiments of organic molecules

To achieve a favorable compromise between speed and accuracy the code use combination of both ab-initio quantum methods and classical forcefield (QM/MM approach) and extensive GPU acceleration.

Schematic illustration of different aspects of on-surface chemistry simulations, and methods used for their efficient description.

Structure of the package

FireCore consists of high-performance simulation modules written in Fortran, C/C++ & OpenCL integrated using a common Python3 interface. The modules are based on a modified version of other simulation packages.

1. quantum solution of electronic & geometric structure of molecules

Striped down version of Fireball self-consistent local-orbital ab-initio tight-binding molecular dynamics code (https://github.com/fireball-QMD/progs) is used for the following tasks:

To optimize the electronic structure of molecules and find molecular orbitals and density To optimize the geometric structure of molecules (quantum part of QM/MM)

  • To project Molecular Orbitals and Electron density to a real space grid

Fireball allows the fast solution of self-consistent electronic structure problems thanks to a small optimized numerical base and pre-calculated table of integrals.

2. Classical Molecular Mechanics

FireCore is currently integrated with homebrew classical-forcefields codes implemented in SimpleSimulationEngine (https://github.com/ProkopHapala/SimpleSimulationEngine). The main purpose is to reduce the computational cost required for the relaxation of organic molecules and the description of the interaction between organic molecules and substrate. These codes comprise:

  • MMFF - a simple homebrew classical molecular mechanics code with fixed boding topology (springs on bond length, angles and dihedrals)
    • Code includes utilities to automatically generate bonding topology from atomic coordinates and assign atomic charges by the charge-equilibration algorithm (depending on electronegativity and local polarization) RFF - simple homebrew reactive force-field to roughly simulate chemical interactins between organic species (H,C,O,N) including formation and breaking of new bonds and changes of bond-order gridFF - grid-based classical forcefield to describe the interaction of organic molecules with the rigid substrate or other rigid bodies (e.g. tip of AFM?). The code projects non-covalent forces from rigid objects (e.g. electrostatics, van der Waals attraction and Pauli repulsion) onto a real-space grid. Then during molecular-dynamics simulation, we read from the grid forces acting on each atom of the flexible (non-rigid) molecules deposited on the rigid substrate.

In future we plan integration with state-of-the-art classical forcefield packages such as LAMMPS.

3. High-resolution AFM simulations

GPU accelerated Probe Particle Model (https://github.com/ProkopHapala/ProbeParticleModel) is used for the simulation of high-resolution AFM images using flexible tip (e.g. CO molecule or Xe atom). It was shown that variation of local electrostatic field and electron density (e.g. bond-order and free electron pairs) plays an important role in the formation of HR-AFM contrast and its distortions. To obtain a good estimate of electron density and electrostatic potential we use a self-consistent electronic structure calculated using fireball as an input. With a combination of classical forcefield relaxation of molecular geometry, fireball solution of self-consistent electronic structure and GPU accelerated AFM relaxation using FireCore is able to conduct a series of volumetric AFM simulations (starting from molecular topology) in less than 1 second. This allows the rapid screening of candidate molecular structures to match experimental data, or to rapidly generate large databases for training machine-learning models for AFM imaging.

We use GPU acceleration using OpenCL kernels for most performance-intensive steps of the simulation, including:

  • Simulation of AFM scan where probe-particle (CO apex) relax in Volumgetric potential (gridFF) comprising of electrostatics, van der Waals attraction and Pauli repulsion from the rigid sample.
  • Evaluation of gridFF by the projection of contributions from each atom of the sample - comprising van der Waals attraction and Pauli.
  • Evaluation of electrostatic potential and forcefield on the grid from electron density (i.e. solution of Poisson equation) using Fast-Fourier-Transform. We use library clFFT for the purpose. Projection of wave-functions or electron density from FireBall onto real space grid using FireBall numerical basis.

3. Instalation (compile & run)

To install all library dependencies. On Ubuntu 22.04 this can be done by running:

sudo apt-get install cmake g++ gfortran intel-mkl libmkl_intel_lp64 libmkl_intel_thread libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev nvidia-opencl-dev libclfft-dev python3-numpy python3-matplotlib

however individual parts can be installed independently. For example, it is possible to use DFT-Fireball without OpenCL or OpenGL.

Fortran modules (Fireball-DFT)

  1. install Fortran compiler: gfortran
  2. install intel mkl libraries and other dependencies: intel-mkl libmkl_intel_lp64 libmkl_intel_core libmkl_intel_thread
  3. create directory FireCore/Build
  4. run FireCore/make.sh which will compile source codes from fortran directory into Build directory
  5. run test:
    • navigate to FireCore/tests
    • Make sure that Fdata_HC_minimal is present, otherwise download it here: https://fireball-qmd.github.io/
    • got to tests/t01_H2 and run ./run.sh

C/C++ Modules (classical forcefields, molecular manipulation, grids, OpenCL, GUI)

  1. install C/C++ compiler: g++ cmake
  2. install libraries:
    • for GUI with SDL2+OpenGL install: libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev
    • for GPU accelerated calculation with OpenCL install: nvidia-opencl-dev libclfft-devcreate a build directory in cpp/Build and navigate into it
  3. Configure cmake project: from inside cpp/Build run cmake .. -DWITH_SDL=ON -DWITH_OPENCL=ON
    • options -DWITH_SDL=ON and -DWITH_OPENCL=ON can be eventually switched to reduce compilation time and/or limit library dependencies
  4. compile by running make inside cpp/Build directory
  5. Run tests:
    • Forcefield with visual GUI go to /home/prokophapala/git/FireCore/cpp/sketches_SDL/Molecular and run e.g. ./test_MMFFsp3 or test_RARFFarr or test_SoftMolecularDynamics
    • to run Visual GUI for QMMM dynamics (assuming both C++ and Fortran modules are compiled) got to FireCore/tests/tQMMM_diacetylene and run ./run.sh

Python API Binding

  • Try classical forcefield library MMFFsp3 go tp FireCore/tests/tMMFF and run ./run.sh
  • Try Fireball-DFT in FireCore/tests/FitFF by running ./run.sh

WARNING: FireCore is Work-in-progress stage of development