Make optimisation of images part of your automated build process
- 2
Wish to support on Apple Silicon.
#208 opened by xiaochenghua - 1
RangeError [ERR_CHILD_PROCESS_STDIO_MAXBUFFER]: stderr maxBuffer length exceeded
#205 opened by grzegorzkrukowski - 3
- 1
- 1
CLI is not installing through brew
#204 opened by grzegorzkrukowski - 0
V 3.1.9 Can't find applescript for JPEGMini
#203 opened by candland - 0
Latest version 3.1.9 doesn't seem to properly escape the file paths it sends to the commands
#202 opened by henderea - 3
Latest version can't be installed on NodeJS 20.x when setting engine-strict=true in ~/.npmrc
#197 opened by henderea - 24
Unable to install on M1 / Apple Silicon
#191 opened by inspiredearth - 1
Youtube video in readme summary set to private
#198 opened by jbcoventry - 1
Animated PNG Compression
#195 opened by derpycoder - 0
when git merge,pre commit would operate once more npx imageoptim,how to ignore this condition?
#189 opened by dandelion1000 - 2
Parentheses in filenames are not recognized
#194 opened by chchen2021 - 1
Manipulating stats with additional args
#193 opened by KeygenLLC - 4
Linked website gives 404
#190 opened by gingerbeardman - 2
Dismiss JPEGmini Welcome Panel
#150 opened by JamieMason - 0
Dismiss JPEGmini Registration Panel
#151 opened by JamieMason - 2
Output quality loss information
#162 opened by JamieMason - 3
A Github Action that automatically compresses JPEGs, PNGs and WebPs in Pull Requests.
#188 opened by elalemanyo - 1
JPEGmini is not installed
#187 opened by IsmailM - 2
multiple invocations collide in tmpdir, crash
#183 opened by paulp - 4
- 0
crash on malformed png files
#185 opened by Fil - 5
- 2
cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
#177 opened by 0x0480 - 8
Exit with non-zero status code on error
#180 opened by Nowaker - 5
MaxBufferError: stderr maxBuffer exceeded
#173 opened by NithinBiliya - 2
Supported file types are case sensitive
#181 opened by jamesstout - 1
Support for removing EXIF from JPEG
#179 opened by Nowaker - 3
- 2
Command failed
#170 opened by aforeman - 1
does not work when compiling locally
#172 opened by azusa-tomita - 3
- 3
- 3
Add --json option
#161 opened by JamieMason - 1
Read filenames from stdin
#160 opened by JamieMason - 1
In macOS Mojave not working
#168 opened by HReinard - 1
Error while compressing images
#167 opened by rahulcbr - 2
Flag to make recursive directory find optional
#165 opened by davidwolfpaw - 2
- 2
- 9
Wrong path used to launch AppleScript scripts
#163 opened by nicolinuxfr - 1
- 9
How to run on one file
#145 opened by awebdeveloper - 7
Savings very little
#158 opened by klick - 10
- 3
Help with Pre-commit hook
#149 opened by awebdeveloper - 4
supprot for changing imageOptim config
#146 opened by nick1Jian - 1
Bad data in optim vs alternative graph
#142 opened by scarstens - 11
JPEGMini refuses to accept shortcuts
#143 opened by eighteentee