A graphical user interface for feature extraction from heart- and breathing biosignals.
- 1
Add HRV to statistics panel
#28 opened by JanCBrammer - 0
- 1
- 2
Port to PySide6
#22 opened by JanCBrammer - 0
Research if plotting can be done with PySide6.QCharts instead of Matplotlib.
#26 opened by JanCBrammer - 1
#24 opened by JanCBrammer - 1
Adding .zenodo.json?
#5 opened by sappelhoff - 1
- 1
- 4
- 4
Add code coverage to tests
#8 opened by sappelhoff - 3
- 5
GUI Questions
#18 opened by TomDonoghue - 1
Small suggested paper edits
#16 opened by TomDonoghue - 3
Question/suggestions about benchmark files
#14 opened by sappelhoff - 3
- 2
- 1
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
Recommended Code CleanUps
#17 opened by TomDonoghue - 2
Less code to maintain?
#2 opened by DominiqueMakowski