
Bachelor Thesis: Real-time Neural Radiance Caching in Heterogeneous Participating Media

Primary LanguageC++


This project is the implementation of my bachelor thesis Real-time Neural Radiance Caching in Heterogeneous Participating Media. A volumetric path tracer is augmented by terminating paths early and approximating the remaining radiance using a multi layer perception. This MLP is called the Neural Radiance Cache.

Further information can be found in the thesis.


  author       = {Jan Spindler},
  title        = {Real-time Neural Radiance Caching in Heterogeneous Participating Media},
  school       = {Institute of Computer Science II - University of Bonn},
  year         = {2022},
  type         = {Bachelor's thesis},
  address      = {Bonn, Germany},
  month        = {December},
  url          = {https://github.com/JanSpindler/NRC-HPM-Renderer.git}