
HW1 - A point mass goes down a parabola then falls freely

  • For interactive notebook, go to

  • Important parameters:

    • In the first cell, we can change the friction coefficient, damping factors, mass, and even gravity. We can also choose to enable/disable the fiction and damping effects.
    • In the last cell, the variable sampling controls the ratio of visualization samplings. For example, sampling = 10 means every 1 out of 10 data points are visualized.

HW2 - position and attitude controller

HW4 - 2D mutirotors

  • Part a: controlling a fully-actuated rigid mutirotor system. Notebook file: CS498HW4Single.ipynb

  • Part b: controlling a fully-actuated mutirotor system that consists of two rigid segments. Notebook file: CS498HW4DoublePen.ipynb

    • For interactive notebook, go to
    • Important parameters:
      • In the first cell, we can set the masses of the two segments of rods by changing m1, m2; the half length of the rod can be changed by modifying l.
      • We can also change the tilting angles of the inner propellers by altering alpha and beta
      • en_constrain = True gives us a peek over the effects of the limited thrusts

HW5 - 2D trajectory follower

HW6 - 3D magic box

HW7 - Omni-HModQuad