Pinned Repositories
This is the Arduino firmware code for a handheld camera gimbal I designed. It utilizes a Kalman filter to process input data from an IMU module and feeds that data to a tuned PID loop.
A course project for MIE438: Microprocessors and Embedded Microcontrollers at the University of Toronto.
This is the code for my "Gesture Controlled 5 DOF Robotic Arm using Computer Vision" project. It uses the Python OpenCV library to recognize human arm motions and sends the processed data to an Arduino via serial.
This is an implementation of Hash Table using C. The included hash functions are Trivial Hash, Pearson Hash, and Fibonacci Hash. Collision handling methods include chaining via linked lists, as well as Linear/Quadratic Probing
Inverse kinematics solver for kinematic trees. This repository offers two implementations: pyDrake or Pinocchio + SciPy
Reinforcement Learning Environments for Omniverse Isaac Gym
Unified framework for robot learning built on NVIDIA Isaac Sim
UofT Engineering Science Robotics Capstone Project: Safe Drone Teleoperation with Real Time Mapping and Obstacle Avoidance
Spidey: A 12 DOF Sprawling-Type Quadruped Robot
JasonJZLiu's Repositories
This is the code for my "Gesture Controlled 5 DOF Robotic Arm using Computer Vision" project. It uses the Python OpenCV library to recognize human arm motions and sends the processed data to an Arduino via serial.
Spidey: A 12 DOF Sprawling-Type Quadruped Robot
This is the Arduino firmware code for a handheld camera gimbal I designed. It utilizes a Kalman filter to process input data from an IMU module and feeds that data to a tuned PID loop.
A course project for MIE438: Microprocessors and Embedded Microcontrollers at the University of Toronto.
Inverse kinematics solver for kinematic trees. This repository offers two implementations: pyDrake or Pinocchio + SciPy
This is an implementation of Hash Table using C. The included hash functions are Trivial Hash, Pearson Hash, and Fibonacci Hash. Collision handling methods include chaining via linked lists, as well as Linear/Quadratic Probing
This is my Hackthe6ix 2020 submission. My team and I created a modified digital calibers that sends measurement data directly to your computer, integrated into a program that allows you to annotate and check a physical part's tolerance against its 3D model.
This is an implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm that seeks the shortest path between any Art Installations in the city of Toronto.
The following program constructs an AVL self-balancing binary search tree to store datasets from Statistics Canada and the US Census regarding mother tongues of the population.
I created and managed the website for HackIR 2018, an MLH local hack day hackathon, using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
The purpose of the Snek project is to develop an algorithm for an AI that maximizes the number of points it can score in a variant of the classic video game Snake. The algorithm aims to generate a sequence of desired moves for a snake called Magini on a 10 × 10 game board. On the board, one target (either a Moogle or a Hurry Pooter) will spawn at a random location for Magini to eat. However, Magini must eat that target before TIMEOUT, which is a function that sets the number of moves Magini can make after the appearance of the target. TIMEOUT resets whenever Magini eats the target while Magini increases its length by one. Magini scores one point for every move it makes, twenty points for eating a Moogle, and sixty points for eating a Hurry Pooter. The game ends when Magini’s head moves into itself, moves into the edge, or Magini runs out of moves due to TIMEOUT. Thus, the algorithm seeks to maximize the points Magini can acquire before the game ends with the augmentation to adjust the board game size.
The following is a Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) calculator that utilizes a stack, implemented in C.
Reinforcement Learning Environments for Omniverse Isaac Gym
Unified framework for robot learning built on NVIDIA Isaac Sim
UofT Engineering Science Robotics Capstone Project: Safe Drone Teleoperation with Real Time Mapping and Obstacle Avoidance
Latex code for making neural networks diagrams