Java(J2SE/J2EE) | Micro-Services (SpringBoot) | Web-Services (Soap/Rest) | Hibernate | DevOps | Microsoft Azure (AZ204, AZ104, AZ900, AI900, DP900)
Toronto, CA
Pinned Repositories
Developed a Java, Spring Boot based REST API with Swagger enabled. Swagger API is configured to give the end-user detailed information about the API endpoints and meta-data.
Bookstore Web API project is developed using Asp.Net Core + Cloud hosted MongoDb. In this project, connection string to connect to MongoDB database is encrypted/hidden in code using dotnet secrets feature.
Coronavirus Tracker - Web API with frontend UI developed using Java, Spring Boot, Thymeleaf, HTML, Bootstrap CSS, Apache Commons-CSV, GitHub
Course API project is implemented using Spring Tools Suite 4 with Java technology and Spring Boot framework. In this I have also implemented JPA along with Apache Derby DB.
Job Portal App is the android app developed using Android Studio IDE with technologies like Java, Android, Firebase DB for application authorization, etc.
Patient Service is a JAX-WS based SOAP Web Service implemented in Spring Tools Suite using Java, Spring Boot, Maven, POM.XML, SAAJ, JAX-B along with JPA functionality using H2 in-memory database. The Web Service is tested against WSDL contract using SOAP UI client. All the web service requests are also being logged in a XML file created for each request.
person-api is a REST API project developed using IntelliJ IDEA with Java, Spring Boot, Spring JDBC, cloud hosted PostgreSQL DB, Hikari DataSource, Docker, Flyway DB, application.yml
A web application using J2EE/JSP/MySQL for the Customer Service department.
Project demonstrating Mukti-Threading scenario in Spring Boot. Uploading CSV data dynamically from Spring Boot application into in-memory H2 Database. Then, reading the data from database using thread pool executor.
Java based Spring Boot Web API to implement Spring Security, Spring JDBC, and in-memory H2 Database
Jatinder-Singh1064's Repositories
Project demonstrating Mukti-Threading scenario in Spring Boot. Uploading CSV data dynamically from Spring Boot application into in-memory H2 Database. Then, reading the data from database using thread pool executor.
Patient Service is a JAX-WS based SOAP Web Service implemented in Spring Tools Suite using Java, Spring Boot, Maven, POM.XML, SAAJ, JAX-B along with JPA functionality using H2 in-memory database. The Web Service is tested against WSDL contract using SOAP UI client. All the web service requests are also being logged in a XML file created for each request.
Developed a Java, Spring Boot based REST API with Swagger enabled. Swagger API is configured to give the end-user detailed information about the API endpoints and meta-data.
RESTful webservice implemented in Java using JAX-RS. Web Service resources tested using Postman.
Developed 2 microservices (Department and User) using Java, Spring Boot which are communicating with each other using RestTemplate. Logged the microservice interaction using @Slf4j logging library. Used Netflix component Eureka for Service Registry and Discovery and created a separate project for this. Also, implemented and created a separate project for API Gateway through which application users will communicate to microservices through API Gateway so that direct communication to microservice can be avoided. Handled Fault Tolerance and Resilience using Hystrix by implementing Circuit Breaker pattern with Hystrix Dashboard to monitor the health of each micro-service circuit breaker. Apart from this used Spring Cloud Config to read the application configuration properties from the GitHub repository hosted YAML file. Used Spring Zipkin and Sleuth to implement the distributed Log tracing for all the microservices.
This repo contains just 1 YML file, which serves as the cloud configuration file for Java-Spring Boot based microservices project. Multiple microservices like department, user along with API Gateway, Hystrix Dashboard uses the configuration from this file hosted in GitHub repository.
Spring Boot based RESTful API - demonstrating Doctor-Patient scenario - with Spring Data JPA, Hibernate, Entity Relationships, PostgreSQL, Lombok, Postman, Spring Tool Suite, Tomcat Server, pg-Admin.
In this project, I have used a web published SOAP IPService's WSDL to use in program to pass the IP address and return back the response with country and state name the IP address belongs to. Project developed using Eclipse IDE and JAX-WS.
This is a small application to demonstrate the Java Messaging Service (JMS) API with using MessageQueue to send/receive the messages. The Glassfish Server is used to create the JMS Connection Factories and Destination Resource.
Demonstration of JAX-WS SOAP Client-Server Handlers.
This is an implementation of RESTful web-services for a messenger application contains Message, Profile, and Comment web-service using Java, JAX-RS, Jersey, JAXB. Tools used : Eclipse IDE, Tomcat Server, Postman and Maven (Code build).
Simple RestAPI using SpringBoot and H2 database.
An Event-Driven microservices project with Product Service implementation with Command-Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) and Domain Driven Design (DDD) principles. Integrated with Axon Server which helps to maintain and scale applications in distributed systems.
A Java JAX-RS based REST Web-Service implemented using User entity. It is developed using Eclipse IDE and Glassfish Application server along with Postman tool to run the APIs.
In this application, 3 Micro-Services are developed using Spring Boot are communicating with each other using RestTemplate. Used Netflix component Eureka for Service Registry and Discovery. Handled Fault Tolerance and Resilience using Hystrix.
This Spring Boot based application serves as an example of how to use JWTs (JSON Web Tokens). The next request from the client will be authenticated by using the produced JWT token if it is made before the token expiration time. It first validates the incoming request and creates a JWT token using a suitable algorithm that is valid for a time period.
This is a demonstration of the use of the Spring Cloud Config server and client functionality which helps to configure the microservice application properties externally, environment specific, consistent with version history, and real-time management.
Developed a REST API demonstrating the student-subject-teacher scenario using JpaRepository with various JPA Hibernate Relationship mappings such as OneToMany, ManyToOne, ManyToMany, etc with in-memory H2 Database.
spring-data-jpa-hibernate-mappings -- In this small Spring Boot Application build using Spring Tools Suite, I have tried to implement the most common issue while working with JPA/Hibernate Nested/related entities having parent-child relationship. I have implemented @OneToOne, @OneToMany relationship using Employee, Address, and Account entities. I have also handled the Cyclic Dependency problem between Employee/Address entities using @JsonIgnore annotation.
Spring MVC based web-application to demonstrate the Invoice Management System and its CRUD functionality. Used Spring MVC, JPA, Hibernate, Lombok, Thymeleaf, and MySQL driver.
Apache Kafka implementation with Spring Boot application. Created 2 microservices that communicate with each other as Producer/Consumer pattern. Event Driven Architecture is followed where messages are published over a Topic Exchange.
Implementation of RabbitMQ (Producer/Consumer) in Spring Boot. Used Docker for RabbitMQ container.
Demo Sprint Boot application to demonstrate how Spring container handles the Transactions, and if any transaction breaks in-between the whole transaction would be rollback. Used H2 in-memory database.
This is an application developed using Microservices architecture with SAGA Pattern. 5 REST APIs are created which demonstrates the Order completion activity.
Java 8 - Stream API
A small SOAP based JAX-WS Web Service project depicting the example of Shopping Mart is build using Java EE Eclipse IDE with the service deployed on GlassFish Server. The SOAP Web Service WSDL is tested using SOAP UI. In this project, also used JAX-B annotations.