Java(J2SE/J2EE) | Micro-Services (SpringBoot) | Web-Services (Soap/Rest) | Hibernate | DevOps | Microsoft Azure (AZ204, AZ104, AZ900, AI900, DP900)
Toronto, CA
Pinned Repositories
Developed a Java, Spring Boot based REST API with Swagger enabled. Swagger API is configured to give the end-user detailed information about the API endpoints and meta-data.
Bookstore Web API project is developed using Asp.Net Core + Cloud hosted MongoDb. In this project, connection string to connect to MongoDB database is encrypted/hidden in code using dotnet secrets feature.
Coronavirus Tracker - Web API with frontend UI developed using Java, Spring Boot, Thymeleaf, HTML, Bootstrap CSS, Apache Commons-CSV, GitHub
Course API project is implemented using Spring Tools Suite 4 with Java technology and Spring Boot framework. In this I have also implemented JPA along with Apache Derby DB.
Job Portal App is the android app developed using Android Studio IDE with technologies like Java, Android, Firebase DB for application authorization, etc.
Patient Service is a JAX-WS based SOAP Web Service implemented in Spring Tools Suite using Java, Spring Boot, Maven, POM.XML, SAAJ, JAX-B along with JPA functionality using H2 in-memory database. The Web Service is tested against WSDL contract using SOAP UI client. All the web service requests are also being logged in a XML file created for each request.
person-api is a REST API project developed using IntelliJ IDEA with Java, Spring Boot, Spring JDBC, cloud hosted PostgreSQL DB, Hikari DataSource, Docker, Flyway DB, application.yml
A web application using J2EE/JSP/MySQL for the Customer Service department.
Project demonstrating Mukti-Threading scenario in Spring Boot. Uploading CSV data dynamically from Spring Boot application into in-memory H2 Database. Then, reading the data from database using thread pool executor.
Java based Spring Boot Web API to implement Spring Security, Spring JDBC, and in-memory H2 Database
Jatinder-Singh1064's Repositories
Job Portal App is the android app developed using Android Studio IDE with technologies like Java, Android, Firebase DB for application authorization, etc.
A web application using J2EE/JSP/MySQL for the Customer Service department.
Android - Implicit Intents -- In this project, an android app is designed which demonstrates the working of 3 Implicit Intents that perform events like Add Calendar Events, Capture photo and view it, and Make a phone call.
Documentation for ASP.NET Core
Bookstore Web API project is developed using Asp.Net Core + Cloud hosted MongoDb. In this project, connection string to connect to MongoDB database is encrypted/hidden in code using dotnet secrets feature.
Android based Calculator App developed using Java, Android technologies. IDE used is Android Studio.
Coronavirus Tracker - Web API with frontend UI developed using Java, Spring Boot, Thymeleaf, HTML, Bootstrap CSS, Apache Commons-CSV, GitHub
Course API project is implemented using Spring Tools Suite 4 with Java technology and Spring Boot framework. In this I have also implemented JPA along with Apache Derby DB.
person-api is a REST API project developed using IntelliJ IDEA with Java, Spring Boot, Spring JDBC, cloud hosted PostgreSQL DB, Hikari DataSource, Docker, Flyway DB, application.yml
Java based Spring Boot Web API to implement Spring Security, Spring JDBC, and in-memory H2 Database
Career Opportunities In Canada - A Web Application project mainly focused in Front End using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, and Bootstrap. This project is developed using Brackets editor.
Is The Site Up - This is the small Java +Spring Boot Application developed using VS Code. This application is basically used to check if the website url is up or down. User will enter the URL in the variable and it will display whether the site entered by user is up and running or not.
Ontario Tax Calculation App - developed in Java, Android technology using Android Studio IDE.
Stackoverflow is ASP.NET MVC based Web Application implementing Entity Framework along with Authentication using Microsoft Identity Framework which mimics the original Stackoverflow website and its operations.