
Tools to analyse the focus-series of the Fraunhofer telescope at the Wendelstein observatory.

Primary LanguagePython


Tools to analyse the focus-series of the Fraunhofer telescope at the Wendelstein observatory.

CLI Scripts

focus.py [-h] -t temperature -zd zenith-distance

Standalone script implementing the surface interpolant of the focus function. Evaluates the spline at the given temperature and zenith distance. Simple linear extrapolation outside the splines' convex hull.

plot_mi_heatmap.py [-h] -f FILE [-n FIELDS_PER_PLOT]
                   [--plot-path PLOT_PATH] [-s SIZE]
                   --type-1 {psf,tsi} --type-2 {psf,tsi}

Takes files containing mutual information scores as generated by calc_tsi_mi.py, calc_psf_mi.py and calc_psf_tsi_mi.py and plots a heatmap of the correlation matrix. By providing a maximum number of parameters per axis, the plot will be divided into several files accordingly. While dividing the plot reduces the overview, this can be advantageous for printed display of a large parameter space.

plot_wind_analysis.py [-h] [-p parameter] [--psf-path psf-path] [--meteo-path meteo-path] 
                      [--plot-path plot-path] [--size-multiplier size-multiplier]

Uses the preprocessed meteological data as generated by preprocess_meteo.py and correlates the wind velocity and direction to a given psf parameter. The data is then reduced to a polar heatmap and ploted.