Featured School Projects

Table of Contents

4th Year

3rd Year

2nd Year

CS-4482A: Game Engine Development

Technologies Used: Unity, C#

Used unity to create Games, Tools and Shaders

See Projects

SE-4450: Software Engineering Design II

Technologies Used: Angular 8, Django, Hadoop, PySpark

Signed a NDA with the Royal Bank of Canada.

SE-4452A: Software Testing & Maintenance

Technologies Used: JavaScript, Mocha

Assignment 2

Use the required specifications to develop effective functional (black box) unit test suite for the project to include:

  • Equivalence classes testing
  • Boundaries values testing
  • Decision table testing

Make sure the test suite isolates via stubs where applicable, and provide an analysis report of the testing. Afterwards fix any errors that were found.

See Tests

Assignment 3

  • Develop the DD path graph.
  • Identify the basis paths.
  • Develop the structural unit test cases for the OrderHandling
  • To have a complete testing coverage using the following criteria: i. Statement coverage ii. Branch coverage iii. Path coverage
  • Use istanbul-js to measure the test coverage.
  • Develop the Integration test cases based on MM-Path coverage criteria

See Tests

SE-4455B: Cloud Computing

Technologies Used: AWS, PHP, MySQL, Python

A school board approached you to deploy its school management system on AWS cloud. The system is created as a PHP web application with MySql database.

In addition to the web application, they wanted to have additional functionality that would update the yearbook page whenever a student uploads a new picture through the web application. The page will be updated by a smaller version of the uploaded image. They want this functionality to be written in Python.

  1. Draw a diagram that illustrates the architecture of the system using the different AWS services that you need
  2. List all the steps that you need to take to deploy the system
  3. You don’t have to write specific command, just plain English description of the needed steps

See Deployment Steps

SE 3309A: Database Management Systems

Technologies Used: SQL, Angular


  • Developed SQL tables to match a basic gym application
  • Developed a basic ui to query the tables, which were populated with data

See Project

SE 3316A: Web Technologies

Technologies Used: MEAN Stack(MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js)


  • Leveraged the NASA API, so the logged in user could search for images
  • Added a collection system so a user could save images they liked for later
  • Implemented my own authentication system

See Project

ECE 3375B: Microprocessors and Microcomputers

Technologies Used: Assembly

Final Project


  • The project alters the brightness of the lights based on how intense the sunlight is to save power in an industrial setting
  • The starting base brightness can be adjusted based on the work location
  • The brightness alters on a timer that can be set i.e. every 5 minutes due to clouds or other variables that might affect sunlight temporarily

See Project

SE 3314B: Computer Networks Applications

Technologies Used: C#

Gives Users The Ability To:

  • see the current state of the market
  • buy/bid/sell stocks

See Project

SE 3350B: Software Engineering Design I

Technologies Used: MEEN Stack(MongoDB, Express.js, Ember.js, and Node.js)


  • Built an online therapy application
  • Set up a system so that practitioners could easily generate forms for clients to fill in
  • Developed a system for practitioners to easily generate client specific workouts
  • Set up a practitioner portal where things could be easily updated, such as changing the exercise video
  • Implemented a jwt authentication scheme

See Project

CS 1037A: Computer Science Fundamentals II

Technologies Used: C++



  • Created a simple simulation of an uno game between multiple players
  • The game is randomly played out based on player input i.e. number of players, hand size etc
  • Implemented using stacks, queues, ordered/linked lists

See More



  • The premise of the game is fairly simple, you have a Circular Doubly Linked List chain of numbers in some non sorted order
  • In order to solve this game the numbers must be sorted
  • Created a player input system that will shift or spin the list based on the input
  • Implemented a full Circular Doubly Linked List to act as the game board

See More



  • Creating my own version of the built-in vector
  • Implemented empty, size, push, pop, insert, print, set, and reverse methods for my vector
  • Created a destructor to clean up and deallocate memory when the object is destroyed

See More

SE 2205B: Algorithms and Data Structures

Technologies Used: Java, JUnit

00 ‐ Java Introduction

01 ‐ Lists and GUI Introduction

02 ‐ Object-Oriented Programming

03 ‐ Trees

04 ‐ Maps - Tree

05 ‐ Maps - Hash

06 ‐ Sorting

07 ‐ Graphs