
Driver for the Sick lms5xx in ROS Jade (might work for other versions).

Primary LanguageC++


Driver for the Sick lms5xx in ROS Jade (might work for other versions).

With this driver already contains a version of sicktoolbox(2) so need for it. This driver will create a LaserScan topic under the name /Scan that you can subscripe to.


  1. Create a catkin package with the name laser_node.
  2. Delete all the files in the package.
  3. Copy the contents of the file in the catking package.
  4. Go to lms5xx_node.cpp in src and alter the ip adress to the one of you're Sick lms5xx.
  5. Go to the source of the catkin_workspace and use catkin_make.
  6. Use the command "devel/setup.bash"

Test: The node is started by invoking "rosrun laser_node laser_node". The resulted scan can be tested by "rostopic echo /Scan". (should you not be able to find it use "rostopic list" to find the alternative name)

DISCLAIMER: I am not the creator of the drivers or node. I merely rebuild the package from scratch and altered the source files to make it work in ROS jade.