
This module is an MVVM framework intended to stick as close to vanilla APIs possible. The 2 main parts are a Component class and a Model class.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Read the full documentation here

This module is an MVVM framework intended to stick as close to vanilla APIs possible. The 2 main parts are a Component class and a Model class.


The Component class is used to define new HTML elements with complex behaviors:

import * as μ from "/micro-mvvm"

class CounterTest extends μ.Component {
    constructor() {
            template: μ.html`
            <span data-bind="counter-parameter:innerText">

    initialize() {
        setInterval(() => {
            this.dataset.counterParameter = 1 + (parseInt(this.dataset.counterParameter) || 0)
        }, 1000)

export default CounterTest.register("counter-test")
    This counter should start at 5 and go up every second:
    <counter-test data-counter-parameter=5></counter-test>


The Model class is used to communicate with an HTTP API. A single Model instance can be used for an entire API, or Model can be subclassed to represent different data models.

Entire API Style

import * as μ from "micro-mvvm"

const API = new μ.Model()

API.addRoute("dashboard", "/api/dashboard", μ.Model.Transform.json)
API.addRoute("change_password", "/api/change_password", μ.Model.Transform.ok, {method: "post"})

export default API
import API from "./[path-to-api-file].js"

const dashboard_data = await API.dashboard()
// do something with the retrieved data

// event listener or similar
if (!await API.change_password({body: {old_password, new_password}})) {
    alert("Error changing password")

Data Model Style

class UserTest extends μ.Model {
    constructor() {
        super(location.origin + "/api/user")
        this.addRoute("load_data", "", μ.Model.Transform.assign)


    async initialize(id) {
        await this.load_data({query: {id}})

const user = new UserTest()
user.initialize(1).then(() => console.log(user.toJSON()))
//logs {id: "...", username: "..."}


Template tagging function that automatically recursively joins arrays with an empty string and calls any functions that are present as substitutions.

const output = μ.html`<div>${() => ["Separate ", "Tokens ", "Here"]}</div>`
//output: <div>Separate Tokens Here</div>


This module requires the following features:

  • Symbol
  • Promise
  • classes
  • async/await
  • const
  • rest/spread operator
  • fetch API
  • custom elements
  • ShadowRoot
  • Proxy
  • Reflect
  • CustomEvent
  • MutationObserver