- 2
Main-Class in MANIFEST.MF
#23 opened by matkoch - 1
- 0
Feature request: add a delete endpoint to remove specific plugin versions from the marketplace
#50 opened by etanshaul - 0
"all" jar contains duplicates
#49 opened by VladRassokhin - 1
- 0
Instructions to build this project
#47 opened by odisseus - 0
Provide a license for this repository
#45 opened by mikhailvink - 11
- 0
Update Retrofit converters and library version
#34 opened by satamas - 0
ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.util.ByteOutputStream
#32 opened by gilday - 3
Empty password results in successful upload
#17 opened by rodm - 1
- 1
Getting 404 Not Found while uploading plugin
#11 opened by kashishm - 3
CLI failed with RetrofitError: 403
#21 opened by wisechengyi - 2
Can this library be used to upload TeamCity plugins
#12 opened by rodm - 4
- 2
Support uploading screenshots
#10 opened by shiraji - 6
#9 opened by wisechengyi