
Control the ur5 robot with the proportional-derivative and sliding mode control method. The two control methods modify their control gains with a cost function focus on minimizing the position and jerk error. Finally, the robot with the control methods could be simulated in gazebo or rviz.

Primary LanguagePython

Ros workspace:


Control the ur5 robot with the proportional-derivative and sliding mode control method. The two control methods modify their control gains with a cost function focus on minimizing the position and jerk error. Finally, the robot with the control methods could be simulated in gazebo or rviz.


Config .bashrc file

Open .basrhc file

$ gedit ~/.bashrc 

Add these lines:

source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash 
# ROS WORKSPACE (don't modify)
export work_space="${HOME}/catkin_ws/journal_ws"
source $work_space/devel/setup.bash
# EIGEN3: environment variable (could be modified)
export eigien3_include_dir="/usr/include/eigen3/Eigen"

Config workspace:

Create the workspace

$ mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/journal_ws/src 
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/

Clone repository

$ git clone https://github.com/JhonPool4/journal_ws.git 

Create necessary files

$ cd ~/catkin_ws/journal_ws/
$ catkin_make

Additional ROS packages

$ sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-ros-control 
$ sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-ros-controllers

Packages info

ur5_description (working)

  • This package has urdf file of ur5 robot.
  • Display ur5 robot in rviz: roslaunch ur5_description ur5_rviz.launch
  • Display ur5 robot in gazebo: roslaunch ur5_description ur5_gazebo.launch

motion_ur5_rviz (working)

  • This package use rviz and rbdl to simulate ur5 robot with the control methods.
  • ur5 robot + proportional-derivative control method: roslaunch motion_ur5_rviz articular_PDi_UR5.launch
  • ur5 robot + sliding mode control method: roslaunch motion_ur5_rviz articular_SMCi_UR5.launch

motion_ur5_gazebo (developing)

  • This package use gazebo and rbdl to simulate ur5 robot with the control methods.
  • ur5 robot + PD control method: roslaunch motion_ur5_gazebo articular_PDi_UR5.launch (in process)
  • ur5 robot + sliding mode control method: roslaunch motion_ur5_gazebo articular_SMCi_UR5.launch (in process)

my_control_gazego (developing)