
Glitch Garden demo game from the Complete Unity Developer 2D course (http://gdev.tv/cudgithub). For our students to download the end-state of projects.

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Complete Unity Developer - Section 7 - Glitch Garden

This is the Complete Unity Developer - one of the most successful e-learning courses on the internet! Completely re-worked from scratch with brand-new projects and our latest teaching techniques. You will benefit from the fact we have already taught over 360,336 students game development, many shipping commercial games as a result.

You're welcome to download, fork or do whatever else legal with all the files! The real value is in our huge, high-quality online tutorials that accompany this repo. You can check out the course here: Complete Unity Developer

In This Section

Introduction To Glitch Garden


  • MAJOR: 2D Animation (frame, and rigged)
  • Minor A: Mobile compatible, no keyboard use.
  • Minor B: Components to make code extendable.
  • Minor C: Options Menu scene & PlayerPrefs.

Section 7 Game Design Document

Your Glitch Garden Assets

Section 7 Notes

Making A Splash Screen

  • What is a splash screen
  • Why use a splash screen
  • Singleton-free music manager
  • Make you splash-screen
  • Add music, and make Start Menu auto-load

Useful links

Scaling & Aspect Ratios

  • We're building for “mobile first” here.
  • No use of keyboard, just tap & drag.
  • Mobile device aspect ratios.

Useful Links

Alternative Music Manager

  • An alternative MusicManager.cs architecture
  • Customise your Win and Loose scenes.
  • Test it all looks and sounds good.

Menus, Options & Music

  • Customise Win and Loose Scenes.
  • Add a new Options scene (blank for now).
  • Add two buttons: “Back”, “Defaults”.
  • Make Level_01 with “Win” and “Loose” buttons.
  • Test all the navigation and music works properly.

Adding Fade Transitions

  • Adding a nice fade-in to the Start Scene.
  • Giving-up on spelling loose / lose / whatever.
  • Add background image to levels.
  • Check it all flows / scales nicely.

Scaling Level Backgrounds

  • Canvas Scaler “Screen Match Mode”.
  • Use a “Raw Image” & grass texture.
  • Define play space, and quiet zones.
  • Setup our Level with prefabs.

Introducing PlayerPrefs

A brief talking-head video where Ben Tristem introduces how to use PlayerPrefs in Unity.

Our PlayerPrefsManager.cs

  • What is PlayerPrefs, and why is it useful?
  • Limitations of PlayerPrefs
  • Why we're providing our own wrapper class.
  • Create PlayerPrefsManager.cs static wrapper.

Our PlayerPrefsManager - part 2

Ben recaps where we are, and continues building the PlayerPrefsManager.

UI Sliders For Options

  • Introducing UI sliders.
  • Add volume and difficulty sliders.
  • Create OptionsController.cs.
  • Ensure sliders work.

Sprite Sheet Animation

  • The sprite sheet (AKA sprite atlas).
  • Comparison to bone-based animation.
  • Importing & slicing sprite sheets.
  • Making your first animation.

Ratio Math Primer

  • The fundamentals of ratio math(s).
  • What screen aspect ratios mean.
  • How to convert between different aspects.

World Space UI Canvas

  • Change to world space canvas for levels.
  • Adjust grass tiling (using UV Rect).
  • Add temporary “Core Game” panel.
  • Translate & scale the level canvas.
  • Adjust & prefab the camera.

The Animation Controller

  • How animators, states & motion clips relate
  • Adding multiple animation states & clips.
  • Options for transitioning between them.
  • Again, only animate one character for now.

Texture Size & Compression

  • Why my Lizard animation looked fuzzy.
  • What to do about it.
  • Max texture size for mobile devices.
  • A bit about MIP Mapping while we're here.

Useful Links

Using Gimp To Slice Images

  • Introducing “bone based animation”.
  • Using Gimp on Mac or PC to slice images*
  • How to import and set pivot points.

* Same principles apply to any other image editor.

2D “Bone-Based” Animation

  • Animating Position, Rotation and Scale.
  • Challenge: create your bone animation(s).

Animating Our Lizard

  • Different ways of animating objects
  • Different ways of moving transforms
  • Options for combining these.

Animating Our Cactus

  • Animating the cactus from scratch
  • Re-capping the 5-step process.

Finishing Our Defenders

  • Finishing the defender animations
  • How to make a sprite face the other way.

Finishing Our Attackers

  • Finish our attackers
  • How to access our code on GitHub.

Projectile Animation

  • Giving our projectiles rotation in the animator.
  • Giving them translation from the animator*
  • Seeing the combined motion.

* We will change translation to script later.

Useful Links

Using Unity Remote

  • What's Unity Remote and why's it useful.
  • Unity Remote 4 on app stores (iOS and Android)
  • How to use it.
  • It's limitations.

Useful Links

Review & Improvements

  • Read music volume on load, improve Win & Lose.
  • Catch 1st order error with autoLoadLevelAfter().
  • Alternative fade without coding (thank Ryan).
  • Save our scene of sprites & prefab everything.
  • Our current project state is attached.

Moving Attackers From Script

  • Create an Attacker.cs component.
  • Why this component model is useful.
  • Tune our animation to avoid “moon walking”.

Collision Matrix In Script

  • Using OnTriggerEnter2D (Collider2D collider).
  • Why we are using triggers not physics.
  • Why we won't use the collision matrix this time.
  • Adding appropriate colliders to all objects.

Using Animation Events

  • The “what” and “why” of animation events.
  • What methods can be called, and what can't.
  • Modify Attacker.cs to accept speed events.
  • Get animation transitions working for all attackers.
  • Add “wishful” StrikeCurrentTarget() method.

Components “vs” Inheritance

  • The different approaches to abstraction.
  • The benefits of a component model.
  • Get StrikeCurrentTarget() working.

Using A Health Component

  • Why a separate component makes sense.
  • Create & attach Health.cs component.
  • Test destruction, and initial play tuning.

Animating Defenders & Projectiles

  • Three approaches to 2D projectile animation.
  • Separate defenders from their projectiles.
  • Animate projectile using script and animator.
  • Fix-up defender animation states.

Animator Firing Projectiles

  • Why fire by animation events.
  • Create Shooter.cs for shooting defenders.
  • Create FireGun() method in Shooter class.
  • Attach a gun gameObject to spawn projectiles.
  • Arrange for animator to fire projectiles.

Separate Attack & Fire States

  • Why our Gnome fires too fast.
  • Possible solutions to this type of issue.
  • Why we choose to create a “fire” state.
  • Fine-tune projectile size & spawn position.

Handling Projectile Damage

  • Make projectiles damage Attacker with Health.
  • Setup a play space, and start tuning.
  • Tweak damage and health levels.
  • We'll play tune again later.

“Tower” Selector Buttons

  • Setting up buttons for defender (tower) selection.
  • Initially they just toggle sprite colour.
  • Setup DefenderSelector.selectedDefender static
  • Test that static is set at start, and on button press.

(Unique Video Reference: 33_GG_CUD)

Creating When Needed

  • The problem with the Projectiles placeholder.
  • Useful blog article on best practices*
  • A pattern for checking and creating.

Useful Links

Spawn Defenders To Grid

  • Ensure existing defenders' colliders mask square.
  • Calculate the world-units position of a click.
  • Calculate the nearest play-space grid centre.
  • Spawn the currently selected defender there.

Enemy Spawning & Flow

  • Place enemy spawners.
  • Decide how spawning is controlled.
  • A word about the Flow Channel*
  • Write script(s) to control spawning.

Useful Links

Shooters Detect Attackers

  • Find a way of defenders detecting attackers.
  • Only shoot at attackers if ahead in lane.
  • Modify Shooter.cs to make this work.
  • Test that defender enter and leave “attack” state.

Using Stars As Currency

  • Add a sun scoreboard to the game space.
  • Star Trophy animation calls script to add sun.
  • Write StarDisplay.cs class to update scoreboard.
  • Write defender.AddStars(int amount) method.
  • Wire these scripts together.

Spending Star Currency

  • Assign a star cost to every defender.
  • Prevent placement until you can afford it.
  • Spend stars when defenders are placed.
  • Use an enumeration to pass meaning.
  • Rough play tuning to create a challenge.

Handle Lose Condition

  • Remove lose test button.
  • Create a lose collider.
  • Setup lose triggering & transition.
  • Improve lose screen.

UI Slider Level Timer

  • Create a UI slider to visually show level progress.
  • Make the slider to “count down” to level end.
  • When time runs out…
  • Show “You Survived” text, and play a sound.
  • Auto-load next level.

Review & Tidy Up

  • Tidy Spawner.cs > isTimeToSpawn()
  • Adjust colliders so attackers hit defenders.
  • Fix the gravestone animation transitions.
  • Creates prefabs of our work.

Play Testing & Tuning

  • Display the defender cost on buttons.
  • Tweak the spawn frequency of attackers.
  • Adjust the health of attackers & defenders.
  • Choose amount of damage for projectiles.
  • Play and make sure it's a challenge.

Installing Android Studio

  • Downloading & installing Android Studio.
  • How to solve common issues.
  • Check Android Studio loads.

Useful Links

Building To Android

  • Setting up Build Settings for Android.
  • Deploying to Android device*
  • Play testing on the device.

* You'll need a device connected with a USB cable.

Build To iOS Simulator

  • Setup Build Settings in Unity.
  • Build to iOS simulator (Mac “needed”).
  • To build to physical device you “need” a dev kit.
  • Briefly play-test, and note improvements.
  • Share your creation with the world.

User Testing Tweaks

  • Simplify by removing SetStartVolume.cs*
  • Destroy tagged game objects on Win condition.
  • … this also solves the “You Win” issue.
  • Add a simple STOP button to game.

* Thanks to Marko for suggesting this.

GG Unity 5 & Web GL Sharing (Optional)

  • Upgrade to Unity 5.
  • About Web GL builds.
  • Build for Web GL and share.

DOWNLOAD Section 7 Unity Project

Section 7 Wrap Up