
Code implementation in for paper: Skill Generalization with Verbs

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Skill Generalization Via Verbs

Classifier model and optimizer code for the accepted IROS paper: Skill Generalization Via Verbs.

Please make sure to cite this work if you are inspired or use the code:

title={{Skill Generalization with Verbs}},
author={Ma, Rachel and Lam, Lyndon and Spiegel, Benjamin A. and Ganeshan, Aditya and Patel,
Roma and Abbatematteo, Ben and Paulius, David and Tellex, Stefanie and Konidaris, George},
journal={2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)},


See Requirements.txt for modules required.

The images dataset created for the paper is available upon request. Please contact author at rachelm8@mit.edu.

To run code, you will need to edit PROJECT_HOME_DIRECTORY paths. It is also assumed that the images/ folder is placed within PROJECT_HOME_DIRECTORY. Make sure files are unzipped.

Command line arguments to run:

Command line arguments for training classifier:

  • EPOCHS: int number of epochs
  • OPEN_CLOSE, -REMOVE_PART_INSERT_PART, -REMOVE_WHOLE, -ROTATE_VERB, -NONE_VERB: true or false whether these verbs are to be included in the training+testing
  • FLIP: true or false whether to add flip augmentation to open/close verbs+remove_part/insert_part, none verbs for training
  • ROTATE true or false whether to add rotate augmentation for training (was false for the experiments in paper)
  • Train_Categories_List: commas (NO SPACES) separated of object categories to be trained on. It's ok to leave the anticipated test category, test categories will be removed from Train_Categories_List.
  • Test_Translate_Categories_List, Test_Open_Close_Categories_List,Test_RemovePart_InsertPart_Categories_List, Test_RemoveWhole_Categories_List, -Test_Rotate_Categories_List, Test_None_Categories_List: commas (NO SPACES) separated of object categories to be tested on. Test categories will be removed from Train_Categories_List. For experiments, same object category was entered for all of these.

Below is an example of a training command for testing on the Box object category, 40 epochs, all verbs present (single line, can be easily incorporated into .sh file):
python multistep_batch_classifier.py -EPOCHS 40 -OPEN_CLOSE True -REMOVE_PART_INSERT_PART True -REMOVE_WHOLE True -ROTATE_VERB True -NONE_VERB True -FLIP True -ROTATE False -Train_Categories_List Box,Dishwasher,Door,Laptop,Microwave,Oven,Refrigerator,Safe,Stapler,StorageFurniture,Toilet,TrashCan,WashingMachine -Test_Translate_Categories_List Box -Test_Open_Close_Categories_List Box -Test_RemovePart_InsertPart_Categories_List Box -Test_RemoveWhole_Categories_List Box -Test_Rotate_Categories_List Box -Test_None_Categories_List Box

Command line arguments for optimizer:

  • OBJECT_FOLDER_PATH: path to folder containing URDF file of object instance to undergo manipulation
  • MODEL_DIRECTORY: path to folder containing trained .h5 file.
  • VERB: target verb (this repository currently only contains code for optimizer manipulation for the following verbs: raise, lower, translateLeft, translateRight, push, pull, roll, turn, flip, open, close)

Below is ane example of training command for optimizer (single line, can be easily incorporated into .sh file):

python cma_es_trajectory.py -OBJECT_FOLDER_PATH box5/ -MODEL_DIRECTORY Classification_conv_40_flip-True_rotate-False_5steps_rotation_argment-304590_translateremoveWholerotatenoneBox_openremovePart-Box_removeWhole-Box -VERB raise