
this file contains tips for using pt7

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Tips on payload workspace

here are the tips for devloping on payloads. when you work with payloads you need to:

    1. sync the code and time to payload
    1. enter corresponding docker
    1. compile your code
    1. run your code
    1. close all the docker envs

install the mmpug system manager in your computer

to install mmpug_ws please follow this

connect to payload (pt-007 for example)

you should connect your computer( a basestaion or whatever) to the payload with an ethernet cable. For the network settings, disable ipv6 and dns in ipv4. Set the remaining params in ipv4 addresses as (x = 0-9) and netmask as and gateway

sync the time of payload (pt-007 for example)

payload_sync_clock -- mmpug@ (10.3.1.{$payload_number} for other payloads)

sync code from your computer/basestation

mmpug sync -- mmpug@ (10.3.1.{$payload_number} for other payloads)

this cmd will sync your code to pt-007, you should have your code in mmpug_ws on your computer, to install mmpug_ws please follow this

enter docker

docker-join.bash -n mmpug_estimation (mmpug_common mmpug_drivers mmpug_sim etc)

this cmd will enter the docker env, there are other docker envs suck as mmpug_common mmpug_driver, you can enter anyone you need.

compile all the code

deployer -s local.start local.core.build

deployer is a tool we use to mange the system. -s means execute the commands in sequence.
local.start means set up the dicker env. local.core.build will build all the docker env. (mmpug_common, mmpug_drivers, mmpug_estimation, mmpug_sim)

compile a single package (image_sharing for example)

docker-join.bash -n mmpug_common
cd ~/mmpug_ws/src/mmpug_common
catkin build image_sharing

To compile a single package, the most efficient way is to enter the corresponding docker env, and compile the code.
docker-join.bash -n {$docker_name} will enter the docker environment.
after you enter the docker env, go to mmpug_ws/src/mmpug_{env} in the docker env, you need and use catkin build for a normal build progress. in the docker env, we cannot use catkin clean cmd, we have to manually delete the previous compiling files(in ~/mmpug_ws/build/).

after you finish

mmpug launch --stop 

please run this cmd to close all the docker envs, otherwise it will cause unexpected errors.