
C++ implementation of Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT)

Primary LanguageC++

Rapidly-exploring Random Tree

What is RRT ?

Rapidly-exploring random tree (RRT) is a sampling based path planning algorithm. RRT is designed to efficiently search nonconvex, high-dimensional spaces by randomly building a space-filling tree. The tree is constructed incrementally from samples drawn randomly from the search space and is inherently biased to grow towards large unsearched areas of the space. It easily handles problems with obstacles and differential constraints (nonholonomic and kinodynamic) and have been widely used in autonomous robotic motion planning.


1. Initialize search tree T with x(start)
2. while T is less than the maximum iteration do
3.      x(sample) <-- sample from X (i.e. point from available space)
4.      if x(sample) is not in the obstacle
5.           continue
6.      x(nearest) <-- nearest node in T from x(sample)
7.      find x(new) which is at a distance of stepsize from x(nearest) in the direction of x(sample)
8.      if the edge joining x(nearest) and x(new) does not intersesct with the obstacle
9.           continue
10.     add x(new) to T with an edge from x(nearest) to x(new)
11.     if x(new) is in x(goal)
12.          return path from start to gaol
13. return path from start to goal


C++ 11+
SFML (Simple and Fast Multimedia Library)

Install SFML

Run the following command to install SFML on linux

$ sudo apt-get install libsfml-dev

Compile and Run

$ g++ -std=c++11 -c rrt.cpp
$ g++ rrt.o -o sfml-app -lsfml-graphics -lsfml-window -lsfml-system
$ ./sfml-app

SFML Output

Output window size
Width : 1000 pixels
Height : 1000 pixels

Start point : Light green node
Goal point : Purple node
Other nodes : Blue
Path from start to end point : Red edges
Other edges : white


Goal point as x y : 250 750
Start point as x y : 350 350
Enter number of obstacles : 6
Enter number of vertices in obstacle 1 (more than 2): 4
Enter x y coordinates of vertices in clockwise or anti-clockwise manner 
Vertex 1 : 200 150 
Vertex 2 : 200 200
Vertex 3 : 800 200
Vertex 4 : 800 150
Enter number of vertices in obstacle 2 (more than 2): 4
Enter x y coordinates of vertices in clockwise or anti-clockwise manner 
Vertex 1 : 200 200
Vertex 2 : 200 400
Vertex 3 : 300 400
Vertex 4 : 300 200
Enter number of vertices in obstacle 3 (more than 2): 4
Enter x y coordinates of vertices in clockwise or anti-clockwise manner 
Vertex 1 : 200 400
Vertex 2 : 200 450
Vertex 3 : 800 450
Vertex 4 : 800 400
Enter number of vertices in obstacle 4 (more than 2): 4
Enter x y coordinates of vertices in clockwise or anti-clockwise manner 
Vertex 1 : 0 650
Vertex 2 : 0 700
Vertex 3 : 400 700
Vertex 4 : 400 650
Enter number of vertices in obstacle 5 (more than 2): 4
Enter x y coordinates of vertices in clockwise or anti-clockwise manner 
Vertex 1 : 300 700
Vertex 2 : 300 850
Vertex 3 : 400 850
Vertex 4 : 400 700
Enter number of vertices in obstacle 6 (more than 2): 4
Enter x y coordinates of vertices in clockwise or anti-clockwise manner 
Vertex 1 : 650 700
Vertex 2 : 650 1000
Vertex 3 : 750 1000
Vertex 4 : 750 700