An experiment in building a simple pipelined CPU in verilog.
Based on the pipeline CPU design that is described in week 1 of this Computer Architecture course on Coursera.
- The Lecture Notes contain diagrams for the pipelined CPU design
Bazel v5.0.0
brew install bazel
16 general purpose registers
5 stage pipeline
- Fetch
- Decode
- Execute
- Memory
- Writeback (to register file)
pipeline stall + bypass
- bypass from Execute to Decoder, when Execute is executing ADD or SUB
- bypass from Memory to Decoder, when Memory is executing LW
- bypass from Writeback to Decoder
- stall pipeline, when Execute stage has an LW that will load from memory into a register that Decoder is waiting to read from
Independent memory bus for instructions and data
- benefit: removes structural hazard for memory access, to simplify this first attempt at pipelining
- 16bit data addresses
- 16bit instruction addresses
32 bit opcodes
- LW = load word into register from address stored in regster, offset by immediate value
- SW = store word from register to address stored in register, offset by immediate value
- ADD = add two registers together and store result in another register
- SUB = subtract two registers and store result in another register
opcode format
- all opcodes
- [31 ... 24] = opcode (8 bits)
- 00000000 = NOP
- 00000001 = LW: Rd = mem[Rs1 + immediate]
- 00000002 = SW: mem[Rs1 + immediate] = Rs2
- 00000003 = ADD: Rd = Rs1 + Rs2
- 00000004 = SUB: Rd = Rs1 - Rs2
- [31 ... 24] = opcode (8 bits)
- Type LOAD: LW
- [23 ... 20] = destination register (4 bits)
- [19 ... 4] = immediate value (16 bits)
- [3 ... 0] = source register 1 (4 bits)
- Type STORE: SW
- [23 ... 8] = immediate value (16 bits)
- [7 ... 4] = source register 1 (4 bits)
- [3 ... 0] = source register 2 (4 bits)
- Type ALU: ADD, SUB
- [23 ... 20] = destination register (4 bits)
- [19 ... 8] = 0000 0000 0000 (12 bits)
- [7 ... 4] = source register 1 (4 bits)
- [3 ... 0] = source register 2 (4 bits)
- all opcodes
- expand memory bus to 32 bits
- add branch
- add conditional branch
- add control hazards for branch (branch delay slot?)
- treat r0 as const 0?