
Building a Nintendo Entertainment System in Verilog

Primary LanguageC++



Building a Nintendo Entertainment System in Verilog.

Aim: to play the original NES Super Mario Bros ROM.

Current Status

  • Implemented
    • 6502 CPU working and passing tests (for official opcodes)
    • OAM DMA working
    • PPU background layer
  • Emulation
    • Verilator emulation running in C++ with PixelGameEngine renderer from OneLoneCoder
    • Super Mario Bros - now able to reach splash screen
  • FPGA
    • NES Running on ARTY A7 hardware
    • Arduino based interface for uploading ROMs and debugging the NES design
    • Super Mario Bros - now able to reach splash screen

Super Mario Bros - Splash Screen background layer rendering in Emulation on MacOS

Super Mario Bros - Splash Screen background layer running on ARTY A7 hardware Donkey Kong - splash Screen background layer running on ARTY A7 hardware FPGA and Arduino setup


  • Bazel v5.0.0
  brew install bazel
  • MacOS

C++ Debugging Bazel builds on MacOS

  • Add '--spawn_strategy=local' and '--config debug' to bazel command line, to make sure symbols are correctly included in your build
    • When debugging in VSCode with a C++ config, you can see symbol values
    • Breakpoints can be set in source files via VSCode
    • When lldb stops execution at a breakpoint, VSCode is not currently able to load the correct source file - further investigation required

6502 cpu

Build Unit Tests

bazel build //nes:test-cpu6502 --incompatible_require_linker_input_cc_api=false

Run Unit Tests


NES PPU (Picture Processing Unit)

Build Unit Tests

bazel build //nes:test-ppu --incompatible_require_linker_input_cc_api=false

Run Unit Tests



Build Unit Tests

bazel build //nes:test-nes --incompatible_require_linker_input_cc_api=false

Run Unit Tests


VGA Output Emulator

Currently supported on MacOSX.

Implemented with the OneLoneCoder Pixel Game Engine.

Test the VGA output module.


bazel build //nes:emulator-vga --incompatible_require_linker_input_cc_api=false --config release



6502 Emulator

Currently supported on MacOSX.

Implemented with the OneLoneCoder Pixel Game Engine.


bazel build //nes:emulator-cpu --incompatible_require_linker_input_cc_api=false --config release



Keyboard Controls

Key Action
Z Reset Simulation
R Switch between single step and run mode
SPACE Step through a single Opcode (in single step mode)

NES Emulator

Currently supported on MacOSX.

Implemented with the OneLoneCoder Pixel Game Engine.


bazel build //nes:emulator-nes --incompatible_require_linker_input_cc_api=false --config release



Debugger CPU

Debugger interface for interacting with CPU6502, intended for use with SPI comms.


bazel build //nes:test-debugger-cpu --incompatible_require_linker_input_cc_api=false



Debugger NES

Debugger interface for interacting with NES, intended for use with SPI comms.


bazel build //nes:test-debugger-nes --incompatible_require_linker_input_cc_api=false




Information from .nes rom headers dumped with scripts/parse_ines.py

  • Super Mario World
PRG ROM 2 x 16 KB units
CHR ROM 1 x 8 KB units
mirroring:  horizontal
has batter backed prg rom:  False
has trainer:  False
ignore mirroring control:  False
mapper number:  0
  • Super Mario World 2
PRG ROM 8 x 16 KB units
CHR ROM 16 x 8 KB units
mirroring:  vertical
has batter backed prg rom:  False
has trainer:  False
ignore mirroring control:  False
mapper number:  4
  • Super Mario World 3
PRG ROM 16 x 16 KB units
CHR ROM 16 x 8 KB units
mirroring:  vertical
has batter backed prg rom:  False
has trainer:  False
ignore mirroring control:  False
mapper number:  4
  • Kirby's Adventure ''' PRG ROM 32 x 16 KB units CHR ROM 32 x 8 KB units mirroring: vertical has batter backed prg rom: True has trainer: False ignore mirroring control: False mapper number: 4 '''


  • Mapper number: 0 = NROM
  • Mapper number: 4 = MMC3


  • Super Mario Disassembly - useful for stepping through code
    • NOTE: infinite loop at 0x8057 appears to be label "EndlessLoop"
    • perhaps we can step through code from 'start' to see what needs to be emulated so far