
How to edit and build website.


  1. look at _site.yml to see the structure of the website and file names if editing
  2. edit the Rmd file
  3. click Build website in Build tab
  4. push to GitHub

Add week of material

  1. look at _site.yml to see the structure of the website and file names if editing
  2. copy weekX.Rmd where X is one of the previous weeks
  3. add that to _site.yml with the other weeks
  4. add it to the index.Rmd file too
  5. copy one of the weekX-topic.Rmd files and edit that
  6. add links to that in weekX.Rmd
  7. click Build website in Build tab
  8. push to GitHub


There is lots of old material in the repo. Old weeks material.