Create ground truth voxblox TSDF maps from
- Gazebo worlds
- Ply mesh files
Make sure that voxblox and gazebo are installed, then run
cd ~/catkin_ws
catkin build voxblox_ground_truth
source devel/setup.bash
Start the demo by running
roslaunch voxblox_ground_truth gazebo_plugin_demo.launch
Then wait for Gazebo and Rviz finish loading. Once they're ready, call
rosservice call /gazebo/save_voxblox_ground_truth_to_file "file_path: '$HOME/voxblox_ground_truth_demo.tsdf'"
The ground truth TSDF map will now be available in your home folder as ~/voxblox_ground_truth_demo.tsdf
In order to use the plugin, it must be loaded as part of your Gazebo world.
To do this, add the following line to your .world
file right after the <world name='default'>
<plugin name="voxblox_ground_truth_plugin" filename=""/>
For an example, see the provided
Once your world is ready, launch your simulation in the same way you normally would.
Next, set the desired voxel size with
rosparam set /voxblox_ground_truth/voxel_size 0.05
And finally generate the ground truth map with
rosservice call /gazebo/save_voxblox_ground_truth_to_file "file_path: '$HOME/your_ground_truth_map.tsdf'"
Try the demo with
roslaunch voxblox_ground_truth ply_importer_demo.launch
The ground truth TSDF map will now be available in your home folder as ~/bun_zipper.tsdf
To convert your own .ply
file, run
roscore &
rosrun voxblox_ground_truth ply_to_sdf \
[path_to_mesh_file.ply] [tsdf_output_file_path] [voxel_size] \
[scale_factor] [X] [Y] [Z] [Qx] [Qy] [Qz] [Qw]
Note that the paths must be absolute.
The mesh can be scaled up or down using the scale_factor
, translated by X Y Z
and rotated with Qx Qy Qz Qw
. Elements Qx Qy Qz
and Qw
should be set to the imaginary and real parts of a normalized quaternion. No rotation corresponds to 0 0 0 1
. A convenient rotation conversion tool is available on Andre Gaschler's website.
In case you'd like to have fun with some random .ply
meshes, you could download samples from Stanford's 3D Scanning Repository