
GEOG 30313: INTRODUCTION TO GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS Course that I'm currently taking this Fall 2018 semester at Texas Christian University


GEOG 30313: INTRODUCTION TO GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS Course that I took in Fall 2018 semester at Texas Christian University


  • ArcGIS Pro

  • ArcGIS Online



Your supervisor has asked you to prepare a report on the geography of aging within the County. In particular, she is very interested in producing maps that precisely illustrate where communities with proportionally large numbers of elderly people are located. Further, given your experience working with Census data and HCAAA outreach efforts post-Hurricane Harvey, she also wants you to identify the most economically vulnerable elderly communities, as this is information that will help guide the targeted social programs that HCAAA intends to carry out. Your maps and analysis will constitute a crucial part of your supervisor’s presentation to the HCAAA advisory board.



THA is interested in embarking on a project that outlines areas of unmet health care need within the state of Texas. Specifically, they are interested in determining three potential sites within the state where new, specialized hospitals could meet the needs of Texas residents. In particular, they are interested in new hospitals that have one of the following specializations:

  • Mental health services
  • Chemical dependency inpatient services
  • Long-term acute care (patients with complex illnesses who need multi-week hospital stays)
  • Critical access hospital (hospitals certified for under-served rural populations)

THA is deferring to you to determine the specific criteria to be used for identifying suitable sites for new hospitals for one of the four specializations, to be selected by you. However, they have specified some basic guidelines. First, they want potential sites to be in areas that are under-served by other hospitals that specialize in those areas; as such, sites should be in areas where current hospital travel is burdensome for residents, or where the existing hospitals appear unable to meet the needs of their areas. Second, sites should be responsive to the characteristics of their communities. Specifically, THA would like you to identify places that might have a need for hospitals with these specializations, given the demographic characteristics of those places.

potential mental health hospitals

FW attactions from the cultural district

Web Map

2016 Election Results for the State of Texas

Web Application