Dawn Teach Math's website, built with Vue.js


This repository contains the source code for Dawn Teach Math, a website for teachers to provide a modern interface for students to conveniently access Schoology's course material. The website is built with Vue.js.

Getting Started

To get started, clone the repository with your preferred code editor (VS Code) or through the terminal:

git clone https://github.com/JonnyTran/dawn-teach-math
cd dawn-teach-math

Install the dependencies:

npm install

Then, run the development server:

npm run dev

Open the link provided in the prompt with a browser. Any changes made to the source code (src/) will be automatically reflected in the browser.

Directory structure

To understand more about the Vue.js's directory structure, see (https://itnext.io/how-to-structure-my-vue-js-project-e4468db005ac). Here are some of the important files and directories in the project:

  • src/: Contains the source code for the website.
    • assets/: Contains the assets for the website, such as images and fonts.
    • components/: Contains the Vue.js components for the website.
    • router/: Contains the Vue.js router for the website.
    • views/: Contains the Vue.js views for the website.
    • App.vue: The root Vue.js component for the website.
    • main.js: The entry point for the website.
  • api: Contains the API for the website.