Neovim treesitter plugin for setting the commentstring based on the cursor location in a file.
Pinned issues
- 2
Incorrect commentstring inside <?php ?> tags
#112 opened by nipunlakshank - 3
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Need help in debugging strange situation
#103 opened by msva - 3
Commenting is slow in large Markdown files
#88 opened by ribru17 - 1
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vue style comment wrong
#117 opened by tkkcc - 0
Incorrect commentstring for erb tags on eruby files
#111 opened by smarquez1 - 4
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#82 opened by JoosepAlviste - 2
Add support for Neovim's built-in comments
#115 opened by kamack38 - 0
- 13
- 5
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Vue comment js/ts using html comment tags
#96 opened by bachirelkhoury - 0
Please do not create unnecessary global variables
#95 opened by litoj - 8
tsx is not properly commenting
#75 opened by itsramiel - 1
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How do I set commentstrings for c?
#60 opened by UtkarshVerma - 2
This plugin doesn't set the `comments` var.
#81 opened by rwblokzijl - 6
plugin cause j/k position incorrect
#73 opened by defpis - 2
Vue comment not working properly
#79 opened by shy-robin - 4
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Option 'commentstring' is empty in .swift file
#69 opened by jcaffey - 3
Configure without tree-sitter
#66 opened by danielo515 - 5
mini.comment integration pre hook - require("ts_context_commentstring.internal").update_commentstring() requires 1 argument
#68 opened by krishna-bala - 3
trouble getting this to work with jsx
#67 opened by michael-odonovan - 1
Can I set newlines in commentstrings?
#53 opened by reyniersbram - 3
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failed to install
#64 opened by kamalkech - 5
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Comments not working for TSX
#50 opened by jim-at-jibba - 1
[Feature Request] Support Astro
#46 opened by peterhpchen - 4
Add `utils.get_visual_end_location`
#44 opened by RaafatTurki - 4
How to make it work with `typescriptreact`
#41 opened by andrestone - 0
Wrong commentstring inside JSX spread element
#38 opened by dwoznicki - 2
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Set commentstring for html.handlebars
#35 opened by ogirginc - 4
Custom commentstring not working with Prolog
#36 opened by motorto - 5
does not work correctly for vim inside lua
#31 opened by jdhao - 1
[Question] Plugin to load server by context
#32 opened by ofrades - 1
What's the Fontname?
#33 opened by tonyshixiaoli - 0
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