
This respository contains a effects collection using Evergine

Primary LanguageHLSLMIT LicenseMIT

Shader Effects Collection

This is a collection of visual effects created in Evergine. I have created these visual effects only for fun and you can use it to create your own effects.

Distortion Video

Distortion is an effect of built-in Evergine. You only need to apply the DistortionMat included in the Evergine.Core package and added a postprocessing volume to your scene and enabled it in Tonemapping section.

Stencil buffer trick Video

This demo was created without wrote any line of code. The idea is that you can draw a geometry (plane, circle, anything) and draw only in the stencil buffer with a specify value. Now the next drawcall draw another geometry only whether the stencil buffer has this specify value. In the following picture I explain the trick:

Stencil buffer Trick

Height Map Video

In this demo, I created a MultipleMeshesPlane component that allows creating a plane with multiple horizontal and vertical segments. That is important to increase the resolution of your terrain. I am using a ushort (16 bit) indexbuffer so the maximum number of indices used in a drawcall are ushort.MaxValue (65535 indices). That is the reason why a split the plane geometry in multiple meshes. Each mesh has 100x100 segments 10000 quads so 60000 indices.

I applied the height map texture in the vertex shader to deform the geometry, you only need to remember that you must use shader model 5.0 to sample a texture in vertex shader and the code is:

float height = HeightTexture.SampleLevel(Sampler, input.TexCoord,0).r;
float3 position = input.Position + input.Normal * (height * HeightAmount);
output.Position = mul(position, WorldViewProj);		

Where the HeightAmount is the maximum height amount of the terrain.

Finally, the most important part is computing the normals based on the heightmap. For this proposal, I sampled the heightmap 4 times in a cross to calculate the slope in the pixel shader stage.

float3 getNormal(float2 uv, float texelSize) 
    float u = HeightTexture.SampleLevel(Sampler,  uv + texelSize * float2(0.0, -1.0), 0).r;
    float r = HeightTexture.SampleLevel(Sampler,  uv + texelSize * float2(-1.0, 0.0),0).r;
    float l = HeightTexture.SampleLevel(Sampler,  uv + texelSize * float2(1.0, 0.0),0).r;
    float d = HeightTexture.SampleLevel(Sampler,  uv + texelSize * float2(0.0, 1.0),0).r;

    float3 n;
    n.z = u - d;
    n.x = r - l;
    n.y = 1.0 / 256;
    return normalize(n);

I found a good reference for creation terrain based on heightmap in the paper Terrain Rendering in Frostbite from SIGGRAPH 2007 that you can download here

Grass shader Video

For this demo, I created a SingleMeshPlane that creates a plane with a maximum of 100 horizontal and vertical segments with the following pattern.

Grass mesh pattern

Using a geometry shader I created a blade of grass per each mesh vertex. The blade grass is a shape with several segments to allow create a curve blade.

Blade mesh

This demo is based on this great post by Roystan.

Fireball shader Video

For this demo I used Blender to create an ICO sphere with a high tesselation, this geometry allows showing the deformation better than a common UV sphere based on quads.

ICO sphere vs UV sphere

Using Classic Perlin 3D Noise by Stefan Gustavson is possible to deform the vertices of the sphere following the generated noise. The vertex position will be:

vertexPosition + vertexNormal * GeneratedNoise

Animating the noise and coloring the sphere with a gradient texture is possible to get amazing effects.

This demo is based on this GLSL explosion effect

Raindrop shader Video

In this demo, the raindrop effect is added such as an additional animated normal texture. To create the ripples effects I used the following normal texture:

Rain Sprite Sheet

This texture is added over the normal texture of the material. The texture is an animated spritesheet that contains 16 frames. The following code gets the current tile frame:

// TilesWidth = 4
// TilesHeight = 4
float tile = fmod(floor(Time * Speed), TilesWidth * TilesHeight);
float2 tileCount = float2(1.0.xx) / float2(TilesWidth, TilesHeight);
float tileY = floor(tile / 4);
float tileX = fmod(tile, TilesWidth);
float2 coords = (input.TexCoords + float2(tileX, tileY)) * tileCount;

Finally, I added a multiplier rain texture. This texture allows for simulating where there are pools of water on the road and where not.