
Repository containing commands and scripts to generate the genome assemblies and perform the comparative genomics analyses. The genome sequence of Gr-Line19 is available under BioSample: SAMN17613196 and the genome sequence of Gr-Line22 is available under BioSample: SAMN17613218

The sequence reads used in this project are available at the NCBI SRA database under BioProject PRJNA695196

NCBI SRA ID Spots Platform Isolate
SRR13560389 23668331 ILLUMINA Gr-Line19
SRR13560388 23544408 ILLUMINA Gr-Line19
SRR13560391 23579544 ILLUMINA Gr-Line22
SRR13560390 23640685 ILLUMINA Gr-Line22
SRR13560397 653296 PACBIO_SMRT Gr-Line19
SRR13560396 648034 PACBIO_SMRT Gr-Line19
SRR13560395 701627 PACBIO_SMRT Gr-Line19
SRR13560394 603883 PACBIO_SMRT Gr-Line22
SRR13560393 508886 PACBIO_SMRT Gr-Line22
SRR13560392 560230 PACBIO_SMRT Gr-Line22

Assembly pipeline

The detailed pipeline description with the exact commands used is explained in Assembly/ Various custom scripts used in the pipeline are available in the folder Assembly/

Gene predictions

Gene predictions were done as described in

Repeat Masking

Masking of repeats is done through RepeatModeler/Repeatmasker using a custom pipeline that is available here: The pipeline was run with the following commands:

$ mkdir gr19_repeatmask
$ mkdir gr22_repeatmask
$ Repeatmask_pipeline run all --workdir gr19_repeatmask/ -i G_rostochiensis_v10_L19_named.fasta -p 8 
$ Repeatmask_pipeline run all --workdir gr22_repeatmask/ -i G_rostochiensis_v10_L22_named.fasta -p 8