Volt (VPhysics Jolt) is a replacement physics module for the Source Engine.
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How do i compile 64 bits?
#211 opened by maksw2 - 0
Stargate kawoosh on HL2 Jeep Crash
#232 opened by CryptAlchemy - 0
No longer works in TF2 since x64 bit update
#207 opened by siobhan-saoirse - 1
TDM Cars wont work
#228 opened by gaino1122 - 1
Question about not supported Features
#229 opened by Yolo-TM - 0
Implement PhysObj:GetStress()
#231 opened by EntityinArray - 1
Segfault on server startup (x86-64, Linux)
#221 opened by WinterPhoenix - 7
How to install vphysics jolt on gmod server?
#217 opened by ForvatorDMC - 0
[HL2DM] prop_combine_ball behawior
#226 opened by yurakone - 0
How would I build this
#225 opened by GuestSneezeOSDev - 2
On x86-64 branch of gmod, anything with the bouncy tags (so a soccer ball, or physical properties>metal bouncy) bounces at extreme velocity.
#223 opened by firstpuppet - 1
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Please make compatible with Gwater2
#208 opened by Jacobdagamer184 - 1
Does this work on servers? Especially for users who don't have the file installed.
#219 opened by sputnikisgreat - 0
Regarding Alien Swarm
#218 opened by RannyLike - 0
Server crash on start
#216 opened by Argus-cpp - 0
Missing dependencies
#212 opened by TotallyMehis - 0
NPC clip brushes are solid to physics objects
#213 opened by TotallyMehis - 1
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Combine energy pellet not working for AR2
#151 opened by smallwalle - 3
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Touching props when noclipping bug
#164 opened by severijj - 3
[Garry's Mod] Start Issue
#187 opened by Timber247 - 1
Bones Ragdolls💀
#204 opened by v1irz - 0
Please make compatible with LVS cars
#210 opened by Jopeir - 0
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ActMod incompatible
#202 opened by Lexeychik - 5
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Spawning half life 2 prop models/props_junk/wood_crate001a_damaged.mdl crashes the game
#175 opened by just-a-github-user - 1
Add support for collides serialization
#186 opened by PiMoNFeeD - 0
[GMOD] Falling through some elevators
#183 opened by ScottVordem - 1
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🎉1k stars!
#156 opened by johnpaulbin - 1
Its possible to change back ?
#163 opened by TheCelestial2000 - 1
gmod srcds setup error
#171 opened by REFIRSER2 - 2
Crashing on startup
#182 opened by SanyaSho - 1
How do i uninstall this?
#165 opened by tpopbpmg - 1
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Missing createjoltprojects scripts
#174 opened by Adrianilloo - 0
[GMOD] Improper handling of player footsteps.
#172 opened by ScottVordem - 5
When will this support everything?
#162 opened by valina354 - 2
Moveable mounted guns (func_tank***) are not controllable by the player with VJolt
#167 opened by steadyfield - 0
Map compilers can't access surface prop interface
#170 opened by PiMoNFeeD - 2
Portal Gun addons dont work on GMod with Volt
#160 opened by remaster2011 - 0
Crash on levelchange
#155 opened by Xenthio - 2
macOS support?
#154 opened by StupidRepo