
Witcher 2 doesn't start

Closed this issue · 18 comments

Just tested latest d9vk master with The Witcher 2 in Wine, and strangely it fails to start with such errors:

info:  Required Vulkan extension VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2 not supported
info:  Required Vulkan extension VK_KHR_surface not supported
info:  Required Vulkan extension VK_KHR_win32_surface not supported
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'dxvk::DxvkError'

That's with Mesa 19.2.0 rc3, so I think those extensions should be supported. I have these installed: libvulkan1:i386, mesa-vulkan-drivers:i386.

I have it installed as I said: libvulkan1:i386. Something else is off.

Yeah I deleted that comment already 🐸

This isn't a D9VK bug, but rather a setup issue.

I'm not too familiar with using Vulkan on Debian/Ubuntu so I'm not sure. Definately not on my end though.

Can you install vulkanutils:i386 and see if 32-bit vkcube or vulkaninfo work?

I just tested running TW1 with d9vk which is also 32-bit. It started fine, so 32-bit Vulkan in general is OK. Both are symlinking to the same .so files for d9vk. So something got messed up with TW2 somehow.

vkcube from vulkan-tools:i386 also works fine.

Are you doing this in the same prefix?

No, separate prefixes. Both created as win32 ones.

For a test, I can try copying one to another, and see what's going to happen

UPDATE: Hm, TW1 doesn't start at all in TW2 prefix, but probably due to other reasons.

This is already interesting. I made a copy of TW1 prefix for a test, and also copied TW2 game directory in it. From that prefix, TW1 starts OK with d9vk. TW2 fails like before with same errors.
May be TW2 is some weird mix of 32/64 bit?

It's not x64 is it? 🐸

Nope, it shouldn't be. But let me try in 64-bit prefix just to be sure.

Are you using winelib builds btw?

Yep, I'm using winelib.

Right, can you try using a normal mingw build?


Just to rule that out.

Let me try with 64-bit one, and then I'll try mingw build.

With 64-bit prefix + winelib build, same errors as before. Trying now 64-bit prefix + mingw build.

Same error with 64-bit + mingw build. Game is quite unlikely 64-bit though. I'm going to try now 32-bit + mingw.

Oh, I think I know what's going on. Let me check something.

Yep, that was my misconfig. In the startup script it tried to use non existing Mesa. I managed to start it now, though it hangs on the loading screen (not the whole computer, just the game gets stuck). But that would be a separate bug if anything. Closing.