
Tablet height control with roboclaw in ROS platform

Primary LanguagePython


Tablet height control with roboclaw in ROS platform

Roboclaw motor and encoder control with a specific service (included in the file) and to go to a desired height in ROS platform


Just clone the repo into your catkin workspace. It contains the ROS package and the motor controller driver. Remmeber to make sure ROS has permisions to use the dev port you give it.

cd <workspace>/src
git clone https://github.com/Jphartogi/ipa_tablet_height
cd <workspace>
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch roboclaw_node roboclaw.launch

to call a service and set to a specific height

rosservice call /tabletheight "enc:x"

you can input the value of x in cm


The launch file can be configure at the command line with arguments, by changing the value in the launch file or through the rosparam server.

Parameter Default Definition
dev /dev/ttyACM0 Dev that is the Roboclaw
baud 115200 Baud rate the Roboclaw is configured for
address 128 The address the Roboclaw is set to, 128 is 0x80
max_speed 20 Max speed of the tablet
min_speed 20 Minimum speed of the tablet
ticks_per_meter 4342.2 The number of encoder ticks per meter of movement
height_tolerance 0.1 How accurate the height should be


Joshua Phartogi https://github.com/Jphartogi

external source

for the driver of roboclaw in ROS https://github.com/sonyccd/roboclaw_ros