1. Building the ros package 1.1. create a rosworkspace as follows e.q. $ mkdir ~/ros_ws && cd ~/ros_ws $ mkdir src $ catkin_make 1.2. cd into the 'src' directory, and create a directory and clone the source code into the directory e.q. $ cd src $ mkdir swarm_control && cd swarm_control $ git clone https://github.com/rakshit1991/Swarming.git 1.3. Make the ros package from the base ros workspace $ cd ~/ros_ws $ catkin_make 2. Running the ros package 2.1. Start the Ground station Ros node $ rosrun swarm_control GroundControlStation.py 2.2. In another terminal launch the swarm_launch file $ roslaunch swarm_control swarm_launch.launch 2.3. Once the swarm_launch is complete it will output a message to launch the swarm controller. In another terminal run $ roslaunch swarm_control swarm_control.launch