- 4
build Error message
#23 opened by doricardo-zz - 2
- 2
Obtain accurate frames timestamps to relate to other meta-data (gyro, GPS, etc)?
#24 opened by noamholz - 6
Could not find label in list
#22 opened - 0
Bug in batch tool
#19 opened by JuanIrache - 7
Accelerometer data starts from 1000ms and ends for about 2 seconds before video ends
#17 opened by Hamulus - 3
- 3
Wrong speed data in GPX
#16 opened by Johan-de-Wit - 5
Number of rows and Timestamp/Miliseconds data different in Json vs CSV files
#1 opened by EdgarRomeroC - 0
- 7
Invalid GPS coordinates on GoPro 6
#2 opened by highsource - 2
Output GPS accuracy in the GPX export
#6 opened by highsource - 2
Allow configuring GPS accuracy threshold
#4 opened by highsource - 1