Download sample datasets from Google Drive
git clone
cd RocheHackathon2024
Move the downloaded datasets to the data folder in the project directory. Directory structure should look something like this:
└ RochHackathon2024
├── requirements.txt
├── supervised_results.csv
└── utils
├── HUMAN.tar.gz
└── MOUSE.tar.gz
# Create virtual environment and install dependencies
python3 -m venv venv_prot_gym
source venv_prot_gym/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
# check that the software is running
python src/
If all working correctly you should see:
Training model on eval_files/MOUSE
Epoch 1/50, Loss: 1.3608, MAE: 0.9498, R2: -1.0875, Spearman R: 0.1025
Epoch 2/50, Loss: 0.5581, MAE: 0.6077, R2: 0.1484, Spearman R: 0.4036
Epoch 50/50, Loss: 5.2112
Test performance metrics:
mse: 5.2851
mae: 2.1600
r2: 0.0177
spearman_r: 0.3390
Metrics for 3 experiments saved to outputs/supervised_results.csv
mse mae r2 spearman_r DMS_id
0 0.230559 0.389087 0.642256 0.878918 MOUSE
2 1.415424 1.044317 0.291035 0.745408 HUMAN