
Dashboard for Drone CI we use at Juicymo (compatible with Drone 0.7.0)

Primary LanguageNginx

Juicymo Drone CI Dashboard

Dashboard for Drone CI we use at Juicymo (compatible with Drone 0.7.0)


Compiled Docker image can be pulled from: Docker Hub.


This is a Docker image for Drone Wall which we use as a dashboard for Drone CI builds at Juicymo. This image is compatible with Drone 0.7.0.

This image is based on the node image and has been inspired by nacyot/docker-drone-wall.

Because the official Drone Wall Docker image does not support deployment to the same VPS where our Drone instance is running out-of-the-box, we have create this Docker image to work in this way.

If you find bugs or issues, let us know via GitHub issues or feel free to fork this Docker image or build a new one based on this one.

Note: This image currently supports only THEME, API_ROOT, ORG_NAME and API_TOKEN Drone Wall ENV variables (we use default values for the rest of them, eg. for colors).

How it works?

This Docker image will clone the drone/drone-wall git repo and build the node-js Drone Wall app (using the recommended toolchain npm & grunt) and starts it in a local environment mode on port 3000. This port is exposed out of the Docker container and can be mapped as needed.

Usage in Docker CLI

You can use this image directly in Docker CLI just typing the following into Terminal:

$ docker pull juicymo/drone-wall
$ docker run -p 3000:4000 -e THEME=dark -e API_ROOT=$API_ROOT -e API_TOKEN=$API_TOKEN -e ORG_NAME=$ORG_NAME juicymo/drone-wall


  • $THEME is either light or dark
  • $API_ROOT is URL of your drone instance including protocol and /api/ suffix (eg. http://drone.domain.com/api/)
  • $API_TOKEN is your access token that will authenticate you with the Drone API (can be found in your Drone account settings)
  • $ORG_NAME is name of your organisation (eg. Juicymo or Drone)

Usage in docker-compose

Or your can use this Docker image with docker-compose by creating the following docker-compose.yml file:

version: '2'

    image: juicymo/drone-wall
      - 3000:4000
    restart: always
      - API_ROOT=${DRONE_HOST}/api/

Environment variables can be specified by creating a .env file with the following content:


The composition can be then run by invoking docker-compose up in the same folder where docker-compose.yml and .env files are.

Warning: The docker-compose.yml and .env files HAVE TO BE in a same folder.

Optional dependency on drone-server service

We use one docker-compose.yml file to run both the Drone CI itself (consisting of drone-server and drone-agent) and Drone Wall at Juicymo. If you do the same, you could add a dependency between drone-wall and drone-server services by adding depends_on directive to your drone-wall service definition. The updated docker-compose.yml will look like:

version: '2'

    image: juicymo/drone-wall
      - 3000:4000
    restart: always
      - drone-server
      - API_ROOT=${DRONE_HOST}/api/

But we use two DNS records to access both services.


We run both Drone and Drone Wall via docker containers on the same DigitalOcean droplet at Juicymo. Drone web UI is accessible at :80 and Drone Wall at :3000. Your setup can be similar.

See source at GitHub.

See the official Drone Wall repo on GitHub at drone/drone-wall.