
Connecting MLJ and MLFlow

Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT


Branch Build Coverage
dev Continuous Integration (CPU) Code Coverage

MLJ is a Julia framework for combining and tuning machine learning models. MLJFlow is a package that extends the MLJ capabilities to use MLflow as a backend for model tracking and experiment management. To be specific, MLJFlow provides a close to zero-preparation to use MLflow with MLJ; by the usage of function extensions that automate the MLflow cycle (create experiment, create run, log metrics, log parameters, log artifacts, etc.).


This project is part of the GSoC 2023 program. The proposal description can be found here. The entire workload is divided into three different repositories: MLJ.jl, MLFlowClient.jl and this one.


  • MLflow cycle automation (create experiment, create run, log metrics, log parameters, log artifacts, etc.)

  • Provides a wrapper Logger for MLFlowClient.jl clients and associated metadata; instances of this type are valid "loggers", which can be passed to MLJ functions supporting the logger keyword argument.

  • Provides MLflow integration with MLJ's evaluate!/evaluate method (model performance evaluation)

  • Extends MLJ's MLJ.save method, to save trained machines as retrievable MLflow client artifacts

  • Provides MLflow integration with MLJ's TunedModel wrapper (to log hyper-parameter tuning workflows)

  • Provides MLflow integration with MLJ's IteratedModel wrapper (to log controlled iteration of tree gradient boosters, neural networks, and other iterative models)

  • Plays well with composite models (pipelines, stacks, etc.)


Logging a model performance evaluation

The example below assumes the user is familiar with basic MLflow concepts. We suppose an MLflow API service is running on a local server, with address "". (In a shell/console, run mlflow server to launch an mlflow service on a local server.)

Refer to the MLflow documentation for necessary background.

We assume MLJDecisionTreeClassifier is in the user's active Julia package environment.

using MLJ # Requires MLJ.jl version 0.19.3 or higher

We first define a logger, providing the API address of our running MLflow instance. The experiment name and artifact location are optional.

logger = MLJFlow.Logger(
    experiment_name="MLJFlow test",

Next, grab some synthetic data and choose an MLJ model:

X, y = make_moons(100) # a table and a vector with 100 rows
DecisionTreeClassifier = @load DecisionTreeClassifier pkg=DecisionTree
model = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=4)

Now we call evaluate as usual but provide the logger as a keyword argument:

evaluate(model, X, y, resampling=CV(nfolds=5), measures=[LogLoss(), Accuracy()], logger=logger)

Navigate to "" on your browser and select the "Experiment" matching the name above ("MLJFlow test"). Select the single run displayed to see the logged results of the performance evaluation.

Saving and retrieving trained machines as MLflow artifacts

Let's train the model on all data and save the trained machine as an MLflow artifact:

mach = machine(model, X, y) |> fit!
run = MLJBase.save(logger, mach)

Notice that in this case MLJBase.save returns a run (and instance of MLFlowRun from MLFlowClient.jl).

To retrieve an artifact we need to use the MLFlowClient.jl API, and for that we need to know the MLflow service that our logger wraps:

service = MLJFlow.service(logger)

And we reconstruct our trained machine thus:

using MLFlowClient
artifacts = MLFlowClient.listartifacts(service, run)
mach2 = machine(artifacts[1].filepath)

We can predict using the deserialized machine:

predict(mach2, X)