
There are 29 repositories under machine-learning-operations topic.

  • EthicalML/awesome-production-machine-learning

    A curated list of awesome open source libraries to deploy, monitor, version and scale your machine learning

  • SeldonIO/seldon-core

    An MLOps framework to package, deploy, monitor and manage thousands of production machine learning models

  • frouros


    Frouros: an open-source Python library for drift detection in machine learning systems.

  • natnew/Awesome-Data-Science

    Carefully curated list of awesome data science resources.

  • chassis


    Chassis turns machine learning models into portable container images that can run just about anywhere.

  • evidentlyai/ml_observability_course

    Free Open-source ML observability course for data scientists and ML engineers. Learn how to monitor and debug your ML models in production.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook805229
  • mattborghi/mlops-specialization

    Machine Learning Engineering for Production (MLOps) Coursera Specialization

    Language:Jupyter Notebook453029
  • katonic-dev/explainit

    A modern, enterprise-ready business intelligence web application

  • modzy/sdk-python

    Python library for Modzy Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) Platform

  • patternex/awesome-ml-for-threat-detection

    A curated list of resources to deep dive into the intersection of applied machine learning and threat detection.

  • modzy/sdk-javascript

    The official JavaScript SDK for the Modzy Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) Platform.

  • awesome-mlops/awesome-mlops-kubernetes

    A curated list of awesome open source tools and commercial products that will help you train, deploy, monitor, version, scale, and secure your production machine learning on kubernetes 🚀

  • JuliaAI/MLJFlow.jl

    Connecting MLJ and MLFlow

  • ksm26/Efficiently-Serving-LLMs

    Learn the ins and outs of efficiently serving Large Language Models (LLMs). Dive into optimization techniques, including KV caching and Low Rank Adapters (LoRA), and gain hands-on experience with Predibase’s LoRAX framework inference server.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook11103
  • modzy/sdk-java

    The official Java library for the Modzy Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) Platform

  • openlayer-ai/openlayer-python

    The official Python library for Openlayer, the Continuous Model Improvement Platform for AI. 📈

  • Hassi34/COVID-19-chest-X-ray-image-classification

    This project contains the production-ready Machine Learning solution for detecting and classifying Covid-19, Viral disease, and No disease in posteroanterior and anteroposterior views of chest x-ray

  • modzy/sdk-go

    The Golang library for Modzy Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) Platform

  • neuro-inc/apolo-extras

    Curated set of MLOps tools to work with the MLOps platform

  • kostaleonard/mlops

    A framework for conducting MLOps.

  • sebiwtt/Delta

    MLOps for online machine learning using Docker and Python

  • KalyanM45/Heart-Disease-Prediction

    Explore a modular, end-to-end solution for heart disease prediction in this repository. From problem definition to model evaluation, dive into detailed exploratory data analysis. Experience seamless integration with MLOps tools like DVC, MLflow, and Docker for enhanced workflow and reproducibility.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2102
  • abhisrn1986/TwitterDataPipeline

    The project comprises a real-time tweets data pipeline, a sentimental analysis of the tweets module, and a Slack bot to post the tweets' sentiments. The project uses SentimentIntensityAnalyzer from the VaderSentiment library. The analyzer gives positive, negative, and compound scores for small texts (such as tweets in this case). The real-time data pipeline flow is as follows: 1.Tweets are collected and stored in a database. 2.The sentiment of the tweets is analyzed. 3.The tweet sentiment is posted on a Slack channel using a Slack bot.

  • drazendee/tf2_quickstart_valohai

    In this tutorial we'll bring the TensorFlow 2 Quickstart to Valohai, taking advantage of Valohai versioned experiments, data inputs, outputs and exporting metadata to easily track & compare your models.

  • nurmuhimawann/airline-passenger-satisfaction

    🌀 #12. "Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) - Airline Passenger Satisfaction Prediction"

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • alejandrodebus/kueski-challenge

    Kueski Challenge - Vacante de Machine Learning Engineer

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • dpanigra/solutions

    Cloud Solutions for machine learning and operation.

  • Faisal-AlDhuwayhi/Building-ML-Pipeline-for-Rental-Prices

    Building a reproducible ML Model Workflow (Pipeline) following MLOps practices

    Language:Jupyter Notebook00
  • Faisal-AlDhuwayhi/Deploying-ML-Model-to-Cloud

    Deploying a ML Model to Cloud Platform with FastAPI applying CI/CD practices
