The project comprises a real-time tweets data pipeline, a sentimental analysis of the tweets module, and a Slack bot to post the tweets' sentiments. The project uses SentimentIntensityAnalyzer from the VaderSentiment library. The analyzer gives positive, negative, and compound scores for small texts (such as tweets in this case). The real-time data pipeline flow is as follows: 1.Tweets are collected and stored in a database. 2.The sentiment of the tweets is analyzed. 3.The tweet sentiment is posted on a Slack channel using a Slack bot.
- 0
Run error asks how to solve
#6 opened by szsyzx - 0
Create a streamlit application
#5 opened by abhisrn1986 - 1
Add docstring
#3 opened by abhisrn1986 - 1
Complete tweet text is not extracted
#1 opened by abhisrn1986