Julia package for lazily representing matrices filled with a single entry
- 61
TagBot trigger issue
#124 opened by JuliaTagBot - 0
Compatibility with SparseArrays
#178 opened by gdalle - 1
v1.12 precompilation error
#387 opened by jlchan - 6
`reshape` error on Julia master
#373 opened by matthias314 - 6
Operations with Eye do not preserve sparsity
#265 opened by amilsted - 2
PaddedViews does not support Zygote.gradient?
#367 opened by chooron - 3
- 2
Let `OneElement` be `AbstractSparseArray`?
#344 opened by putianyi889 - 6
`real(::Fill)` gives an array of arrays?
#145 opened by mcabbott - 3
Broadcasting style for FillArrays?
#188 opened by jishnub - 2
Support specific `mapreduce`
#301 opened by putianyi889 - 14
#298 opened by mtfishman - 2
Can't convert to a `ZerosMatrix` to `Diagonal`
#282 opened by samuelsonric - 3
`one(::Eye)` should return `Eye`
#126 opened by putianyi889 - 1
- 2
How to read-write FillArray?
#288 opened by alex-s-gardner - 8
Latest release broke DistributionsAD
#252 opened by devmotion - 1
overload fft
#135 opened by dlfivefifty - 0
- 2
Optimize + for OneElement
#260 opened by oxinabox - 1
Specialize repeat(::Fill)
#175 opened by cossio - 4
"Docs: Stable" link in README is broken
#240 opened by jakobnissen - 1
- 2
Support setindex
#161 opened by dlfivefifty - 2
Tag v1.0
#204 opened by dlfivefifty - 3
Deprecate `unique_value`?
#236 opened by jishnub - 0
Update Readme
#187 opened by dlfivefifty - 7
Support structured array types
#223 opened by putianyi889 - 5
0.13.8 breakage
#224 opened by theogf - 0
Ones{Bool}±Zeros{Bool} should be Ones{Int}
#209 opened by putianyi889 - 2
InfStepRange should not be OrdinalRange
#207 opened by putianyi889 - 3
copyto!(Eye(4), I)
#206 opened by cossio - 0
Incorrect handling of empty arrays in `any`
#202 opened by jishnub - 1
Why is `IndexStyle` specialized for `Base.OneTo`?
#195 opened by jishnub - 5
- 1
Piracy of `map(f)`
#179 opened by mcabbott - 5
- 0
Specialize certain operations for Static.jl
#177 opened by oschulz - 4
`nxn Fill` addition `UniformScaling` errors
#170 opened by theogf - 3
Specialize A * Eye and Eye * A
#168 opened by cossio - 2
Empty Tuple Method
#167 opened by ParadaCarleton - 5
`Base.getindex(x::AbstractArray{T,N}, mask::Trues{N, NTuple{N,Base.OneTo{Int}}})` is downstream chaos
#162 opened by ChrisRackauckas - 2
getindex with Fill and Trues - ND
#150 opened by JeffFessler - 11
Lazy version of repeat?
#112 opened by JeffFessler - 0
getindex of Ones with Trues
#148 opened by JeffFessler - 1
Collision of LazyArrays and FillArrays broadcasting
#143 opened by mcabbott - 1
FillArrays sometimes much slower than MappedArrays
#134 opened by cscherrer - 1
Add support for `RangeCumsum`?
#127 opened by dlfivefifty - 9
FillArrays 0.10 broadcasting bug (?) that breaks ReverseDiff compatability
#125 opened by mohamed82008 - 1
Zeros(5) ./ Zeros(5) gives ambiguity error
#116 opened by dlfivefifty