- 4
- 5
Feature request: Group data frames to accept string or symbol as index when grouping is by a single attribute
#3470 opened by alex-s-gardner - 1
`join` should not introduce `Missing` types to schema
#3431 opened by adienes - 1
How to Get the DataFrames 1.7.0 User Manual in PDF
#3471 opened by Jigyasu4indp - 9
- 6
using propertynames on GroupedDataFrame
#3443 opened by matthieugomez - 4
- 0
- 5
Sampling GroupedDataFrames (rand)
#3437 opened by quachpas - 1
Add options to `join` missing error?
#3441 opened by nilshg - 3
Add arbitrary matching function for joins
#3445 opened by Gregstrq - 2
Add Tidier.jl to docs/src/man/
#3446 opened by nathanrboyer - 0
Consider removing Tables.allocatecolumn in vcat
#3432 opened by bkamins - 4
- 2
GroupBy then combine changes column order
#3404 opened by Tambup - 1
- 2
feature request: `shift`
#3388 opened by adienes - 4
Column unioning when appending data
#3382 opened by bkamins - 1
Type piracy of `reduce(vcat)`
#3456 opened by MasonProtter - 2
filter performance
#3460 opened by sprig - 5
- 0
join size warnings
#3455 opened by xgdgsc - 1
Very slow to convert DBInterface (DuckDB) result
#3444 opened by grantmcdermott - 1
- 2
Julia 1.12.0-DEV: testing DataFrames throws a 'method dispatch ambiguities' error
#3440 opened by George9000 - 2
Feature request: Pairs in stack
#3423 opened by pdeffebach - 2
DataFrame(t::Table) converts PooledVector columns
#3436 opened by behinger - 2
Integer strings as colnames/selectors are error prone
#3428 opened by jariji - 6
- 1
Short circuit && on subset?
#3427 opened by kescobo - 4
Grouped DataFrame with array elements fails to combine
#3424 opened by huangyxi - 11
mapcols! should modify the parent of a SubDataFrame
#3421 opened by eoteroe - 5
unique fails with column-type FixedDecimal
#3418 opened by baumgold - 2
Add comparison function for dataframes which can handle both isapprox and isequal column types
#3417 opened by schlichtanders - 3
`DataFrame(x=Int[], y=Int)`
#3414 opened by jariji - 4
CartesianIndex error in Julia 1.11
#3412 opened by drizk1 - 3
`describe` is slow
#3411 opened by jariji - 2
Better error message when forming a DataFrame from a vector of dictionaries with missing data.
#3410 opened by LilithHafner - 6
Revisit spreading for `AsTable` output`
#3408 opened by pdeffebach - 2
Inconsistent Mean Calculation in Grouped DataFrame Compared to Overall DataFrame
#3405 opened by sjkelly - 1
Segmentation Fault when reading compressed file
#3407 opened by taooceros - 4
What is the best way to write large DataFrames efficiently and with high performance in Julia while minimizing memory usage?
#3406 opened by Ujjwal4CULS - 3
feature request: allow `skipmissing` column types
#3398 opened by adienes - 44
- 0
- 2
`combine` on grouped df return empty df when args is empty
#3399 opened by ctarn - 13
- 0
ggplot2 has added an `after_stat`
#3396 opened by bkamins - 1
error when unique! a empty dataframe
#3392 opened by 1991jhf - 1