- 6
TagBot trigger issue
#8 opened by JuliaTagBot - 4
Declare as "stable"
#24 opened by goerz - 3
Limit captured output
#21 opened by goerz - 6
Add a `pass_through` option
#19 opened by goerz - 7
Hang when captureing output from MathLink
#17 opened by musoke - 3
Fails to capture long output from C stdio
#16 opened by marcom - 1
Capturing output in multithreaded context
#14 opened by tlienart - 1
Set rethrow to false
#12 opened by tlienart - 0
iocapture -> capture, don't export
#3 opened by mortenpi - 1
Rename throwerrors -> rethrow
#4 opened by mortenpi