
Broken autocompletion; conflict with `coc-julia`

JinraeKim opened this issue · 4 comments


For more details, see fannheyward/coc-julia#194.
Note that it is revealed that the error occurs when using coc-julia with julia-vim.


I don't know since when the autocompletion began to be broken.

When I type some words to see the autocompletion list, it looks like:

However, when I press ctrl+p to make it autocompleted, it becomes broken like:

I'm not sure that it's a problem of coc-julia.

Note: the broken word is quite random. For example,

@JinraeKim I have just tried this and I cannot reproduce it in any way. I have used both my own configuration and the vimrc that you posted here. In all cases when I go start typing "sam"` it suggests "sample_x" and I can select that with CTRL+P, with no problem at all. (With my own config I can also select it with Tab.) I'm using NVIM v0.5.0-dev+1326-ge0a01bdf7 on Linux. For me it works both before and after the Julia server has been loaded.

I frankly have no idea of what the issue could be. If you already tried let g:latex_to_unicode_tab = "off", the Tab key should have no effect at all. Maybe also try let g:latex_to_unicode_keymap = 0 just to be extra sure... That would disable all LaTeX-completion functionality of julia-vim.

Considering that others (@fannheyward and @lassepe) also could not reproduce this, I suspect it must be something related to your particular configuration. Did you try vim instead of neovim, just as a double-check?

Also, I see an upvote from @fausto-mpj: maybe you could chime in and detail your configuration too?

If you already tried let g:latex_to_unicode_tab = "off", the Tab key should have no effect at all. Maybe also try let g:latex_to_unicode_keymap = 0 just to be extra sure... That would disable all LaTeX-completion functionality of julia-vim.

Still broken :(

Given that you have quite a lot of other plugins and special config, maybe a good idea would be to start from a minimal vim config and see whether you can bisect the problem.

I just removed some plugins such as UtilSnips and JuliaFormatter... and I got it to work, but it only works after the Julia server has been loaded. If I try it before the loading finishes, I get the source julia timeout after 5000ms error.

Well, probably something was conflicting in my init.vim. Probably it still is, but at least now it's working. Thanks, guys!